帝女花之香夭 Fragrant Sacrifice 任白名曲Yam Kim Fei and Bak Suit Sin

Published 2011-01-09
This is probably the most well-known excerpt from the most-watched Cantonese Opera in the world. I have supplied English subtitles here, hoping that those who are not familiar with this language can enjoy it too.

I have uploaded another version before, performed by the students of these two actresses.

帝女花 is a Cantonese Opera first made into a movie in 1959, starring Opera singers, Yam Kim Fei (任剑辉) and Bak Suit Sin (白雪仙), both ladies, but Yam impersonated a man in all her movies.

The Emperor of the Ming dynasty had just approved of his future son-in-law who won the heart of his daughter with poetry. At that moment, The Ching army attacked and took over the palace. The Emperor committed suicide with his family but Princess Cheung Ping survived. To win the favour of his subjects, the new Emperor of the Ching dynasty adopted the Princess and proceeded with the grand wedding. To show their loyalty to the Ming emperor, the newly-weds take their own lives on their wedding night. The Cantonese Opera is too beautiful to be translated. Something will be "lost in translation." The Song here, 香夭 (Fragrant Sacrifice) is the grand finale of the opera, sung on the wedding night, the couple are dressed in exquisite finery. The Princess and her groom express their love for each other and their loyalty to the former dynasty, especially the late Emperor, before they take their own lives, drinking wine poisoned with Arsenic.

I have added English subtitles for my friends here on youtube. Hope you will like this as much as I do. Regards, Jeremy

All Comments (21)
  • @lailai7032
    任白 兩位 藝術大師 雖然 ,任姐 離世 已經有 29年 仙姐 一直 都 懷念 至愛的 任姐, 他兩位給人的 印象 係 清高 ,她倆, 無私奉獻 培養 雛鳳鳴 仙姐 有句 令人心痛的說話 任姐 永遠都在她、 心中 冇人可代替, 他用情 至i深, 希望 徒弟們 不要 辜負 恩師的栽培, 人生在世 最 緊要 做一個 有本心的人呀
  • @lailai7032
    向任白 兩位藝術家 致敬, 想當年 不 識 欣賞粵劇, 如 今 年紀 長了 才識欣賞, 感謝 任白 兩位 粵劇 藝術家 大師, 留下 寶貴 的演繹 給 我們 欣賞 真是 百聽不厭 百看不厭, 兩位相當之匹配 任姐 瀟灑 俊朗 仙姐 美麗嬌艷, 而且 演技 真是無人可及, 前無古人 後無來者 衷心感激 給我們寶貴的 精神 糧食 祝 仙姐 身體康泰
  • @nadasou
  • @SamSam-vj9us
  • @user-ox1lg3ct9n
  • @evakwan7812
  • @evakwan7812
  • @meichan7366
  • Thank you, Alice. Our family spoke Cantonese too. I was one of the two among my siblings, educated totally in English. This song fascinated me from the time I first heard it. I learnt Chinese through usage and most probably because I valued what my parents taught me, reading and writing in Chinese even before I started school. I'm glad you enjoyed this. Thank you for taking time to comment.
  • 任白名留香江,除了藝術精湛,造手步法唱功精益求精外,社會公益及扶腋後輩亦不遺餘力。任劍輝真是爐火純青。是香港粵劇的楷模人物。不敢說後無來者,但成就應超越了很多前輩。是嗎?
  • @irene7359
  • 今時今日再睇都仍然非常感動, 絕對不能取替, 無人能及....💖💖💖💖💖💖👍👍👍👍👍👍
  • @amylui7992
    好戲好曲,今日還在看, 經典之戲, 不停看!還有李後主百聽不厭的粵曲經典,真係無懈可擊。
  • @evakwan7812
  • @chaukinsum