One Villainous Scene - "You Must Be The Belmont"

Published 2021-08-04
There's nothing a real Villain loves more than facing a real Hero. Today, Dracula is in for a treat.

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All Comments (21)
  • "Dracula's only weakness is that he's not as big of a monster as he thinks he is." Holy DAMN. I actually clapped.
  • @CorkSkrew
    The best part of this scene is that Dracula doesn’t flinch at the first punch, and only after the second recognizes Trevor as a Belmont. It’s not the punch that identifies him, it’s the fact that after throwing a punch and seeing it have exactly zero effect, Trevor thought “no I’ll keep doing it, it’ll work this time”
  • @GooTheMighty
    Fighting your son over the death of your wife: emotionally draining Fighting a Belmont: that’s just FUN
  • Rewatching the series, I really like that the vampires all refer to "the Belmont" as an "it." Not a "he" or "she" or "them," but rather a force or organization that targets vampires. Thus Dracula's line "the Belmont" isn't so much saying "you're a member of the Belmont family" but rather an acknowledgment of "oh, so you're it this time, huh? Okay."
  • @icngames1032
    "This entire catastrophe has been nothing but the world's longest suicide note." is the best quote of the series.
  • Lisa took one look at Dracula and went “I can fix him”, and you know what? She really did it.
  • @twerkules3957
    I don't know why, but the way Dracula says "we painted this room, we made these toys" just gets me to tear up every time.
  • @jodinsan
    One thing you missed bringing up at the point where Dracula rains hellfire on Targoviste is that he was initially going to contain his revenge to just that city. After a year of stewing it over and taking some time to calm down a bit, he backtracked a bit on the "kill all humans" idea. And then he found out that the Church in Targoviste was planning a celebration to commemorate Lisa's death. They were making light of his grief and thumbing their nose at him. At that point, Dracula flipped his metaphorical shit.
  • @Vesperitis
    Trevor: Finally finds his family heirloom and the greatest vampire slaying weapon ever. Also Trevor: Decides to punch the greatest vampire ever in the face. Dracula: "Yep, it's a Belmont."
  • @BurttheBard
    Red: “Unless you want my 50 minute rant as to why I think Trevor and Dracula’s foil relationship is really interesting…” YES PLEASE!!!!!
  • @LordofBays
    The fact that Dracula is wearing his wedding ring all this time really is just the perfect little chef's kiss for his characterization.
  • @SamBrickell
    Dracula's son: "Let's go find that one guy that did this crime." Dracula: "That guy only exists because the others want to believe in what he says."
  • @Secret-Side-5
    A comment i've seen on the internet about the 'you must be the belmont' line is the scene around it. Trevor punches him twice to no effect and Dracula immediately knows who he must be, some have argued he recognized the family crest on Trevor but its far more entertaining to imagine that he's like, 'only one clan of humans would be crazy enough to try and just punch me'.
  • @KyleRayner12
    "I'm going to be talking about this in therapy when it's invented in 400 years" sums up a lot of fiction set in the Middle Ages.
  • I think it speaks volumes that Dracula says "I'm killing our boy". Alucard isn't just Lisa's son, he didn't just mean something to Dracula cause Lisa did. He was his son. He raised him and loved him just as much as he loved Lisa. And you know that he would have done the exact same thing if it was Alucard instead of Lisa.
  • @RobynDaVixen
    It goes from “Final Boss Battle” to “Violent Domestic Dispute” and it’s done so amazingly
  • @Karlos1234ify
    The most heroic music was playing inside Trevor’s head when he punched Dracula. Meanwhile in Dracula’s head: Mii channel music plays
  • @goroakechi6126
    Ah yes, the series that gave us ”IM DEATH, you gobbin little shit”
  • @MumboJ
    I think I speak for everyone here when I say "Yes, we absolutely wish to hear Red's 50 minute rant about Dracula and Trevor's foil relationship".
  • @Alresu
    "A squad of protagonists appeared to have assembled" is one of the most freightening messages any person in power can receive.