Hackers Finally F'd Over Cheaters At Their Own Game!

Published 2024-02-24
This was inevitable and I've been saying this was going to happen for over 5 years now to all of you!

Well it's not 2030 it's 2024 and it's already happened! You muppet kids have made these psychos right as hell and they're on the warpath! They never gave two shits about any of you and here's for god damn truth!

Get off the internet and touch some grass and play outside or something as you're all far too damn stupid for the internet obviously!

God help you kids in a few years, you're all doomed to be homeless or in jail at this stage Jesus Christ!


All Comments (10)
  • @CitizenTechTalk
    So after some investigation The Greeny riot on Twitch has been life banned from no less than 14 accounts already! He's currently on his 15th as of an hour ago! This is a Valorant rage hacker and Bi-Polar mental health patient. Please avoid this person at all costs or you'll be his next target. I made this video to prove a point about ALL FPS games and it clearly hit the mark. If you know of anyone rage hacking in any game please report them and follow it up. FPS gaming is now dead because of muppets like this person and the same low on the totem pole people that associate with them. Take a stand and fight back against this or none of us will have anything to play soon at all! Peace, CTT
  • @ErichRaeder
    Citizen, I have sent an email request to Jon Uhler who is a clinical psychologist in Pennsylvania to see if he is willing to do an interview with you on the psychology of video game cheaters
  • @NoVa-fo4vs
    Bro stop playing games and go get a job I guess twitch wasn’t paying enough
  • @PenetentOne
    No games are perfect and copium dumping will never fix it. Developers will patch a bug but cause another bug in the process and its just how it is. Activision on the other hand are milking their franchise with a whopping 23 and counting titles. This is an example of stock holders/executives who force companies to remain dried out while they are sitting on the top of gold. (Im not to familiar with this so ill drop and move on) lets talk about cheating while we're at it. There will always be compromises to games no matter how great, how incredible or private anti cheats are. Cheaters aren't the result of a ruined generation, but rather the result of the individuals dishonesty and lack of dignity. Letting your feelings do the talking like this isn't a good strategy to file a complaint against this. Hackers are actually a good staple in video games today due to their ability to outwit the anti cheat. They help developers to continuously develop and work on their anti cheat to help combat future cheaters. Yes of course, there is the other side of the coin where hackers put their work to profit but that is just how the world works. Cheaters are well, literally scum but if hackers make money out of it, cheaters are the people to sell too. Moving on Lets talk VAC (since the video had cs2 featured) VAC bans tons of accounts daily, but the statistic is unknown. its likely one of the best currently on the market. From the delayed data that is analysed, despite the inaccuracy it rules higher numbers than almost all the other anti cheats. It's no joke. It's as simple as Cheats are detected, then banned later on at a funky time. Cheaters are not immediately banned and the reason being that banning them immediately on detection would only help cheat developers as it helps them refine and polish their coding more. Now Riot (Val mentioned) Aside from being a closed-source kernel level bundle of coding, which is by itself, not very safe due to the increased risk of potential vulnerabilities and performance wrecking, and just overall not trustworthy (who knows what else it is doing? lol), it isn't that much better than Valve AC. Vanguard might significantly be better because they tend to find more cheats to add to their software database, but technologically — they are not that far away from each other. And I did try researching into it, despite both systems generally being pretty secretive about their inner workings (as they should be). The main difference from both on which it benefits is likely the fact that it boots up earlier compared to everything else loading on your OS. The only problem is that, all a hacker really needs to do to counter Vanguard is to write another kernel level of coding that loads before Vanguard does, and in this situation, that makes Vanguard completely on par with VAC. We can gather from this intel that generally anti cheats like these work as intended. The reason why cheating is so well known in communities (aside from basic knowledge) is because squeakers, overwatch (match replay) and overdramatic people over boast about other people cheating. It's a matter of paranoia or patterns you recognise if you continuously self indulge yourself to cheating, you blame someone better than you they are cheating.
  • @CitizenTechTalk
    Ok so the gloves are off now if you hadn't already realised. The funny thing in the comments section is guys is that these kids are all life banned from almost every game and developer in the industry. Their anger and hate see's no bounds. But they have done this to themselves. Admittedly I've got them all life banned multiple times from Valorant which might have something to do with it as well 😉 They have stopped paying for spoofing software as their parent/s have finally found them out now 😂 and well let's just say none of them have PC's or laptops anymore. Just mobile phones instead 😂 There is nothing cool about being a criminal in real life or cheating in competitive FPS games and now hackers have just turned on all of you finally. The funny part in all of this is that you helped pay for this to happen to you as well! 😂😂 You can't fix stupid and you certainly can't fix dumb. Welcome to the future of planet earth, that's even if we have one at this stage? Please don't bother with anymore sarcasm or rude comments. YouTube is automatically taking them down without my intervention now. Just accept that your time is over in gaming and move on to something less self destructive moving forward. All the best for your collective futures as you need all the help you can get now! Regards, CTT