Nancy Williams Interview: Oedipal Complex Made Simple.

Published 2024-01-24
A tidbit from a Nancy Williams Interview where she takes on the challenge of making the Oedipal Complex Made Simple.
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In this video, during a Nancy McWilliams Interview, she discusses the Oedipal complex and its developmental significance in children aged 3 to 6, taking on the challenge of making the Oedipal Complex Simple. She explains that at this age, children begin to recognize relationships beyond themselves, particularly between their parents. McWilliams recounts an anecdote where her daughters and niece discuss marriage to their father, highlighting children's early understanding of family dynamics. She emphasizes Freud's interest in children's sexual fantasies regarding their parents but also acknowledges other psychologists' focus on the broader development of mentalization, the capacity to understand others' minds. McWilliams stresses that this phase marks a crucial shift from egocentrism to recognizing others as subjective beings. Failure to develop this capacity can lead to difficulties in empathy and seeing others as more than objects. She distinguishes between pre-Oedipal and Oedipal patients, noting that the latter have internalized the ability to hold conflicting feelings towards others, essential for healthy relationships. The discussion underscores the importance of this developmental phase in shaping individuals' ability to empathize and navigate social interactions effectively.


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00:00 🧠 Understanding the Oedipal Complex
03:53 💭 Developing the Capacity to Mentalize
05:43 🔄 Pre-Oedipal vs. Oedipal Pa

All Comments (18)
  • Way to go getting to talk to her and recording her. Her explanations are so profound yet also so simply put and utterly sincere.
  • Her description by example was divine but having the simple graphics to pin the basics down while she walked through it is wonderful. I hope that you will please release more of your excellent work with her.
  • @bellakrinkle9381
    Was I the only one who laughed at these children? hmmm, what does this mean? If only all little girls in our world could watch this. After-all, relationships begin with our parents/caretakers as our role models. And everything gets a tiny bit easier with the understanding of how we are drawn to certain partners. What a great intro to the Oedipal Complex, thanks, Nancy.
  • How would Oedipal process work if the children’s parents died before age 3-5, as many pre/boomer generations experienced? And in single mom parent families. And what about children raised in institutions (non family environments?). Fraud’s theories seemed very nuclear family based, and assumed demonstrated love/affection between two parents present. But PDA was also rare. Thank you. I love your talks.
  • @Robis9267
    This is psychopharm exactly how... ?
  • @ClancySayce
    I have not idea how that hung together as an accurate description.
  • @pipp972
    It seems to me like a lot of fundamentally unprovable just-so explanations. Actually something I struggle very much with in freudian psych, and to be honest, to a much lesser degree with psychology as a whole. In the interest of expanding my horizons, do you have reading/watching suggestions to explain why, in your opinion, that is not the case? i.e. why I should believe that, of all possible explanations we can come up with that would broadly make sense, this one is correct.
  • @avelione
    Maybe nuclear family is a quite bad idea to raise children in, in the first place? 😆 thank you for a very interesting interview.☺
  • @Rafaelacarlina
    Great 👍 conversation.. funny the little 😄 girl ..wanted married her daddy. Cute!!