The Trials and Treason of Benedict Arnold

Published 2021-08-29
We are making the presentations from our 2021 Annual Conference available to the public! We hope you enjoy.

The American Battlefield Trust preserves America’s hallowed battlegrounds and educates the public about what happened there and why it matters. We permanently protect these battlefields for future generations as a lasting and tangible memorial to the brave soldiers who fought in the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil War.

All Comments (8)
  • Great presentation. In hindsight, it wasn't Arnold only who just turned his back on his country but in some ways his country had turned its back on him after all he had accomplished on the battlefield.
  • @MegaGator39
    Definitely one of the best pre-Civil War field commanders in North American history.
  • @NightmareSWGOH
    "Simplify his motives for turning coat" I love how these Benedict Arnold sympathizers always try to explain why he turned coat when the very simple fact is..... IT DOESNT MATTER WHY. The dude was literally attacking colonists in his own home town and leading armies against his once comrades. Its like trying to justify why a rapist rapes a girl then someone says "Well.... he had just broke up with his girlfriend. He was lonely." Blah blah blah blah. There is no excuse and your explanation does not validate the disgusting things he did. I dont know why anyone would feel bad for him. I only feel bad that he wasnt caught and handed over to Washington before the war was over. His head on a pike would have been TRUE justice. As for this lecturer.... if this were 1776... id be tarring and feathering this guy all thru Boston.