The beauty of dolphins/海豚之美/イルカの美しさ | Relaxation Film with Relaxing Music |

Published 2022-05-28
※The beauty of dolphins

Dolphins, known as fish beasts, fish raccoons, sea scorpions, and dolphin fish in ancient China, are a collective name for some small toothed whales. species, as well as various prehistoric small toothed whales, such as Ken's dolphins, sword-beaked dolphins, Waipesh dolphins, etc. In addition, black whales such as pilot whales and killer whales are classified as dolphins in taxonomy, so they are essentially dolphins, but because of their large size, they are generally excluded from dolphins in non-academic daily expressions. outside.

Dolphins live widely in the shallow seas near the continental shelves of the world's oceans, and are also distributed in inland seas and brackish water near the estuaries of rivers. Individual species are found in inland rivers. Usually like to live in groups, prey on fish, squid and so on. Their torso is spindle-shaped, their skin is smooth and hairless, their bodies are strong and flexible, they are good at jumping and snorkeling, and they are the fastest mammals in the water. With a well-developed sonar system, it mainly relies on echolocation during activities, and has excellent hearing in water and air. The nostrils are on the top of the head and are used for water to breathe. They range in size from 1 meter long and 30 kilograms (pygmy dolphin) to 9.5 meters long and 14 tons (killer whale), and their morphological characteristics vary.

Dolphins are one of the animals with the highest IQ. Some types of dolphins have complex cerebral sulci and good memory. They can learn many movements under the training of humans. They have a gentle, friendly and lively character, and are generally loved by people all over the world. 【Wikipedia】






古代中国では魚獣、魚アライグマ、海サソリ、イルカ魚として知られているイルカは、いくつかの小さなハクジラの総称です。ケンドウクジラ、剣を持ったイルカなど、さまざまな先史時代の小さなハクジラも同様です。 、ワイペッシュイルカなど。また、ゴンドウクジラやキラークジラなどの黒クジラは、分類学ではイルカに分類されるため、本質的にはイルカですが、サイズが大きいため、非学術的な日常表現では一般的にイルカから除外されています。


イルカはIQが最も高い動物の1つです。イルカの種類によっては、複雑な脳溝と記憶力があり、人間の訓練の下で多くの動きを学ぶことができます。穏やかで、友好的で、活気のある性格を持ち、一般的に人々に愛されています。世界中で。 【ウィキペディア】


Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (by Mozart)
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (by Mozart)
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YouTube Audio Library; UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, LatinAutorPerf, Public Domain Compositions, LatinAutor - Warner Chappell, BIHACO Communication Trading and Service Corporation, LatinAutor - UMPG與 8 個音樂版權協會

All Comments (21)
  • Beauty of dolphins swimming, very nice video sharing with interesting relaxing music
  • Absolutely Wonderful sharing! Thank you for sharing beautiful dolphins with us! 58 Big like!👍
  • Дельфины чудесные жители подводного мира....Их легко дрессировать....Люблю смотреть на них.Спасибо за чудесное видео...Хорошей недели и чудесного настроения...
  • Wow. Excellent. I send you positive energy and I wish you all the best. Thank you for nice sharing dear friend. Like Like💐💝✨💯👌👍38
  • 멋진돌고래 헤엄치는 모습과 클래식 음악 공유해 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다.☘️🍀👍👍 오늘도 행복한 하루 되시고 즐거운 주말 보네세요🌿🌿 친애하는 친구님🙏🙏🙂
  • @cocolinedance
    L31 great video beautiful dolphin 🤩🤩thank you for sharing ♥️ see you again 🤩🤩
  • Absolutely Wonderful sharing! Thank you for sharing beautiful content with us! 36 Big like!👍
  • This is a beautiful, peaceful and very relaxing music, enjoyed very much, Thanks for the wonderful sharing, my dear friend, have a great time ❤️🌹
  • @ArtByRopri
    Reminder is on..I m waiting for your amazing video 👍💐 Thumb's up 💐💖
  • @namodii8923
    The dolphins footage are amazingly nice and cool to watch while listening to some classical music. Great sharing! Have a wonderful day! 😊❤👍
  • 美しい映像に感動しました☺️ 優雅に泳ぐイルカもいいですね🐬👏
  • Wow such a wonderful Video my dear Friend😍😍🌷 i wish you a wonderful day