Will the US Supreme Court change the course of free speech online? | Australia Censored

Published 2024-06-12
In this episode of Australia Censored, David Inserra, a Fellow for Free Expression and Technology at the Cato Institute, talks to the IPA’s Director of Law and Policy, John Storey, about the key US Supreme Court case, Murthy v Missouri, and its potential impact on free speech across the internet.

Today, the Australian government is preparing to introduce its internet censorship laws into parliament, which will give unelected bureaucrats the power to force social media companies to censor certain content and opinion from the internet.

A similar debate has been raging in the United States after the revelation that the Biden Administration colluded with social media companies to ban certain online content and opinion, with the Supreme Court poised to hand down its judgement on whether these actions breached the United States constitution.

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All Comments (21)
  • If you lie on a public platform I should have the right to call it a lie without having my account suspended….yes that happened to me! Free speech works both ways.
  • @norryc2379
    We need a free speech amendment to the Australian Constitution, obligatory.
  • @tlb2970
    Me, as an adult can take care of myself without anyone interfering, especially E-Karen
  • @aaronl7045
    why we Australians follow US in anything they tell us. we should be independent country. US is the evil in this world. example. What is happening to JULIAN ASSANGE a Australia citizen is being held in London in prison although no charge has been held. it puzzles me. also, why Australia still have monarchy except if we are still a colony from UK. the British should let Julian Assange be free and go back to Australia. also, what are government doing for it. Arthur
  • @LucienCanon
    Free speech like all our rights was the first casualty of multicultralism/mass migration economics/neo- liberalism
  • @ductritran8637
    I wonder if the Australia liberal party in government will undo all the “ hate speech laws “ and “stop censorship “ or they are gladly to have them , use them but put the blames on labor party .
  • @Chad-cameron
    What a brilliant episode, I thought I was alone in judicial authoritarian and unknown criminality embedded in legislative laws. I believe Australia has gone down a slippery slope with to much power in new laws and much to my dislike moral laws including religious moral laws such as Kevin Rudd's 'sin tax's, just to quote one. Bill of rights needs to be protected and I commend Americans for doing so. Australia is quickly becoming a nanny state for all the wrong reasons.
  • @markbowman2890
    How can speech be suppressed on social media when most of what is said is opinion, there being no references to back up a statement.
  • By blocking information we are not able to discern the facts. ( Withholding information is the same as lying! )
  • @twest5418
    It's not about protecting the young, it's about protecting the one true religion of peace, the only protected religion of the woke.
  • @keithdrower9120
    The 'Institute of Peanuts and Aardvarks' is so irrelevant.....!
  • @stevecam724
    One of the six states in Australia has anouanced a "Men's Behaviour Change Program", that's spectacular.
  • @billthomas8133
    If. You have a corrupt government how does it make anyway corrupt judiciary.
  • When I became 65 Rudd said ! If I keep working for another 5 years I would be paid $30,000 , ie: , $6,000 a year , I signed a contract, I am now 81 and still working , I have never been paid to this day ! Since 65 my Wife and I have worked and paid a lot of Tax . They never let me have a Superannuation ! I worked hard ,as a Prospector , the projects I discovered and that were mined created $millions of tax from companies on the ASX and Mine Workers tax ! Plus Mineral Royalties ! I prospected in Different Countries around the World , found Mines for Companies. Took on All the danger, many experiences to tell . I’am 81 now , I know my days are now numbered !
  • We in Australia is the envy of other countries as we are free as a bird and thanking God that .
  • What about ethics and a responsibility to report the news truthfully?