Arn Andersson - Farewell Life (Slowed + reverb)

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Be blessed my friends!

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コメント (21)
  • Losing someone close to you teaches you to be humble about life. The problems of before look so insignificant and ridiculous compared to the pain of living in this world knowing that you will no longer see that person again. It teaches you that time and space are indeed relative, it makes you more compassionate towards others. Money and power can no longer control you. And although life goes on, you will never be the same person again. You are irrevocably and permanently changed. You can move on, but you will never forget. You will never forget how you felt when reality hit you. You will never forget how is like to kiss the face of a dead person knowing that before it was a smiling and warm face. Losing someone to mental illness and depression makes you question about life, about the mind and about how someone that seems so happy can lose it all. It makes you wonder about human vulnerability and our own impotence. "Farewell Life" is a good melody to go back to those memories and lonely thoughts... I specially like to listen to it at night, looking to the sky from a window. In those raw, intimate moments, I think about him and all the things we did together.
  • “The saddest part of life is when the person who gave you the best memories become a memory” ...
  • One of the most beautiful things I find about music like this, is that there is no language barrier. Someone from anywhere around the earth can listen to it and understand to the same level as everyone else.
  • Listening to this make me think if I took my life earlier, I would've missed so many things in my life. I would miss getting my first girlfriend, seeing myself graduate high school and college, going sky diving with my best friends, taking my first shots, and I just can't miss those moments. So I gotta stay a little while longer. Gotta do them before I go.
  • @_Nymeria_
    "Forgetting is difficult. Remembering is worse."
  • They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Music is worth millions.
  • “As I step into this night, alone, the assurance of her happiness without me is my only consolation”
  • To those who need to hear it. I'm rooting for you. I'm cheering you on. You can make it. You are not weak, you are the strongest you've ever been. The world is evil and cruel, but don't let it bring you down. The future looks up to us. Show them how strong you are. Show them who you became. Let's leave this life knowing we were enough.
  • This is insane..... I love when my brain creates stories and tales while listening to it and staring at the picture ❤️
  • "We ani't both gonna make it" "It would mean a lot to me" "please" "i gave you all i had" "i did" "i tried" "in the end i did" ~ Arthur Morgan
  • Losing my wife was and still is the hardest thing I have to live with. She died in September of last year. As someone said in the comments: the saddest part of life is when the person who gave you the best memories become a memory. I don't want to accept that she is gone. But every day I go on and she isn't here and knowing why, and having to live with the memories of seeing her that way at the end... As she once said: we will be star dust together one day And God, I hope she is right...
  • I wrote a poem, and I'd like to share it with you all. "I am this, and this is me the sunset Palettes of orange and red Pink and purple I am the night sky Blue and gray Purple and black Compass to my soul I will do, what I will do It is my choice, and my choice is me Love as I love, Indulge as I such Dream as I will The eye, the sound, the sense Good vibrations, high sensations Understanding, that I don't And never will Until I'm dust But in the between And until that moment I will dream And be what I want For I am this And this Is me I am" I wrote this as a reminder to myself. I'm real, I'm hear, and I'm aware. I'm not going to let this opportunity of life pass by me. I'm going to choose to be grateful and thankful for the little things, like for example, this song and the art in the video. It's not always the biggest moments in life that matter the most. Sometimes it's the small ones that end of meaning the most to you. Thanks for reading, and I hope you all can appreciate my poem, as well as life in general. Best of luck to everyone
  • When you’re prepared for that sad depressing song... and then that undepressing ad pops up
  • @Radarhope
    This message is for everyone who needs it : I know sometimes life isn’t fair.. you have probably been a lot feeling down lately. But remember that you will always find a way to keep going. You will succeed if you want to. So keep your head up my beautiful kings and queens. Life will greats you in time, even if you think it won’t. Don’t give up, I know I don’t know you but I believe in you. You are more than just a body, you are a soul. An amazing part of the universe. Be your own world, treat yourself right. Sending you love and support, I love you❤️ Hope xx
  • “The life of the dead is placed within the memory of the living…” - Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • Im 32 and I feel like I lost alot of joy and peace in life. Life can be tough and the challenges will humble you like nothing else. The one thing ive never lost is the feeling and passion from amazing music like this. It just hits the soul like nothing else and transends past all the bullshit of life.
  • @cn7445
    ''To the boy who sought freedom, goodbye''
  • This is the sort of music you just let wash over you, you bring all the thoughts previously buried to the surface... just generally reflect on life itself.
  • @shadoxir
    "One final breath, that was all it took for life to leave this plane of existence... One final breath and its farewell life" "It isn't that simple" "What do you mean?" "They say our whole life flashes before us right before we go, the most important memories, the most important people appear like a movie that tells the tale of your life" "I see..." "That final breath is just a sign, that you're ready to let go" "But..." "You have to let go. Let me go" "..." "Farewell life, I will see you again when you knock deaths door"