Fixing Open Source funding an Initiative by

Published 2024-04-01
This is a talk about open source funding hosted on the This is Tech Talks channel. The speaker, Birk, the founder of Polar, a platform designed to help open source developers receive funding for their projects, discusses what open source means to him and why he decided to start Polar.

Birk explains that he became a developer because of open source. When he was young, he discovered how to view the source code of a website and began tinkering with it. This led him to online communities and resources where he learned more about coding and open source development. He feels that open source is a valuable resource that allows developers to learn from each other and avoid reinventing the wheel.

Birk goes on to discuss the challenges of funding open source projects. He mentions that many people don't understand how important open source is and that some developers struggle to find funding to support their work on open source projects.

Polar aims to address this challenge by providing a platform for open source developers to connect with potential sponsors and funders. The platform also offers tools to help developers track how their code is being used and to build relationships with the companies that use it.

The video concludes with a discussion about how the open source community can work together to improve funding for open source projects. Birk suggests that developers can experiment with different funding models, such as offering premium content or support to paying subscribers. He also suggests that developers can create educational materials to help potential funders understand the value of open source.

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