Easy to make Healthy Greek chicken and Vegetable wheat pasta with feta

Published 2020-07-21
Serves 4.


1. 1 Roughly chopped medium sized onion.
2. 7-8 garlic cloves roughly chopped
3. 1 bowl diced boneless chicken
4. 1 bowl diced bell peppers (optional )
5. 7-8 florets of blanched cauliflower ( optional )
6. Feta cheese crumbled
7. 10-12 basil leaves
8. Roughly chopped dill leaves 1 bowl
9. Crushed black pepper or black pepper powder
10. 1 tbsp jaggery powder
11. Salt to taste
12. Wheat pasta .
13. Olive oil. ( prefer to use extra virgin oil for better taste)

Preparation time- 30 mins
1. Boil the pasta in salt water .. don't over cook it. Once done run it under cold running water. Keep it aside
2. Blanch the broccoli keep it aside.**
3. In medium heat sauté the chopped onion and garlic till pink.
4. Add chicken. Sauté it till chicken is cooked.
5. Add the diced tomatoes. Sauté them. Add seasoning. Salt , pepper , oregano and jaggery to taste. You may use sugar but I am on no sugar diet so prefer using jaggery over sugar. Jaggery is used to cut the tanginess of tomato and gives a balanced the flavour.

PS- I forgot to add jaggery in the beginning while taking the video 🙃 so added it at the end.😊

6. Add the crumbled feta and 2tbsp extra virgin olive oil and give it one final mix.
7. At this point if you may add salt , jaggery and pepper and chilli flakes ( optional) as per your taste of you feel it's less and mix well in low heat.
8. If you feel it's little dry you can add some more extra virgin olive oil.
9. Ready to serve

6. Add the bell peppers and broccoli. Sauté for 2 mins.
7. Then add the dill leaves and basil and pasta.
8. Stir well .
**Tip to retain the green colour of broccoli is to use fresh broccoli and blanch it in boiling salt water and then immediately pass it through cold running water.

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