5 am video - People don’t want you to succeed

Published 2018-02-22
5 am video - People don’t want you to succeed

People don’t want you to succeed

You will soon come to realize this as you start to make changes and see progress.

There are basically 2 camps of these people

The Obvious ones are the “haters”

They don’t want you to succeed for various reasons

Jealousy is a big one

Intimidation – they feel like you’re becoming better than them

The biggest reason I find is that if they have to acknowledge your success and progress, they somehow have to face the fact that are failing themselves.

We expect that response (or at least we will become aware of it quickly) from that camp.

But it’s the other camp that throws us for a real loop.

That’s our friends and family, especially our family.

The people we hold most dear.

But they don’t want you to succeed for different reasons.

Initially they love the idea of you getting healthier and happier, why wouldn’t they, afterall they love you.


You changing and evolving and bettering yourself interrupts the status quo.

You taking some time for yourself (as you very well should) takes away from them in some manner.

In the case of the wife – the primary caregiver, dad may have to make supper a couple times a week or put the kids to bed. If he hasn’t done this often, its gonna be weird.

It’s gonna be weird on the kids too, after all you’re the one who tucks them in and tells them a story.

In the case of the husband – you’re gone a couple more nights during the week. You’re less available to drive the kids to and from hockey.

Plus you already suck at pulling your weight around the house .

The boyfriend or girlfriend are used to you being there on the couch besides them or now you’re not drinking or eating the same foods as them.

It gets awkward.

None of this is meant to be sexist,

Don’t get caught up on whether your roles are “different” than these examples

The point is we all have established certain roles in our relationships.

When we change our behaviors it has a ripple effect that involves our inner circle.

They love you and want you to be better, they just don’t like the pesky inconvenience of change.

The Bottom Line

Brace yourself for resistance from both camps.

Focus on ‘Why” you are making these positive changes and be ready to ride the bumps and waves as you move forward.

It’s all worth it

You’re worth it!

The 28 Day Transformation program for men over 40


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All Comments (21)
  • My entire family don't want me successed or at least not more than them
  • @spirg
    Not only they don’t want you to succeed , but they’ve done NOTHING, to better themselves!!!! I know guys for years who go on vacation and SLEEP and watch tv , but when I tell them I’ve been hired for a photo shoot , you could FEEL the jealousy!!!! It’s really awful, only pushes me MORE
  • @lilskruf
    Late 20s. Lost my job. Live with toxic family who want to always bring me down. Countless fake friends who come and go and always want me to fail. I’m alone. I’ve been here before too during college. I’m trying to start my own business instead of working for someone else ever again. Hopefully it goes well, though there’s countless in my way trying to bring me down. It’s just tough. It’s lonely. Maybe I’ll be able to come back to this comment in a year with a positive update. Idk
  • Exactly notice it right away any time you post something you’re working hard for on social media and they always ignore it. Just because it’s you and not them.
  • I had friends and a now ex boyfriend who don't want me to change for the better because I have a disability and I would be easier to control. My ex boyfriend wanted me to stay fat and not lose weight because he thought I wanted other men's attention. So-called friends only liked me as long as they thought they were superior to me . I don't need that negativity
  • @viktorreznov984
    İt's weird. İ started working for a guy who's 30 years older. İ was on a really bad point in my life and i needed his help at the time. İ tried to be aware of his effort and appreciate and pay it back as much as possible. But i realised that he kind of wanted to keep me in that spot. He failed to realise that i would eventually change. İ was always aware of it and thought he was too since he was older. My plan was to help him go where he wanted to in order to pay the favor back but he didn't wanna go anywhere and he didn't want me to go anywhere. And the interesting part is he wasn't in a place where he wanted or enjoyed. He kept talking and dreaming about the things he wanted to do in life but didn't even move an inch. He actually had a small restaurant business that only had 4 tables at a corner and he had it for 15+ years. And until i brought up the idea he either paid someone or spent an hour washing the dishes by hand in that small crappy kitchen. İ don't get it. İ just don't. İf you don't like something and you can change it, why don't you ? This guy had money after all. And some people are disabled, they cannot change anything.
  • After many years of me just floating through life I finally knuckled down and I worked extra hard, I paid my bills off early, I saved and invested wisely and I tried to do the right thing everyday. As a result of my efforts my life became so much better. I tried to share my new found ideas with people and several of them turned against me. They stayed away from me and I found out some of them were spreading vicious rumors about me. Old friends that I have known for decades now want to see me fail. Some are happy for me and they don't ask anything from me. I now know who my true friends are.
  • I had to learn this the hard way. I was a struggling entrepreneur for many years. I had friends who are multimillionaires, and connected to multimillionaires, and none of them wanted to help me out, what's even more crazy is that they are all from the same ethnic culture as I am. And to note, I wasn't looking for a handout, I was looking for actual help. I started a company while working minimum wage, living paycheck to paycheck, and manage to sell thousands of units of my product, but I hit a roadblock, and I needed more resources. I even have rich family members who didn't want to help me out either.
  • @raminebadi1932
    One reason as to why people do not want for you to succeed in life, is because of their personal need for control. Sounds silly, right? Most of the time, when other's see you doing "better" than them, it gives them a sense of discouragement. They fear that your success, will change the perceived views of the outside world—regarding their own success. This behavior tends to happen with those closest to us such as friends, family, co-workers, and so forth. When people have set expectations of who they "think" we are, or what they "think" we are capable of accomplishing, it makes sense as to why they would respond in a negative manner when we exceed those expectations. Good luck brother. I wish you the best
  • @g-starryne7451
    When people dont belive you they Are naive you Are speaking 100%truth
  • Yes there are nuts around us known as well unkown who don't want us to get successful in life. Stay away from such crappy people..
  • @ghostrider2664
    Very true man. Very true. It comes from the ones that are closest to us. I'm on my own Journey right now and happened across your video and gave me a little extra fuel. I appreciate that I can see your Canadian. Hello from Texas. Struggles are the same no matter where you go
  • @thoughtpatterns
    I needed to hear this, it calmed me down. You rock, your words helped me so much❤
  • @-AnonymousUser
    Strange plus they don’t really know me and they blocked me. I don’t need to prove anything to anyone. I came across this video.
  • @D-A-N-
    I’ll be honest a lot of people aren’t even focused on us lol. It’s us just overthinking .