Asmongold’s Worst Games of 2023

Publicado 2023-12-15
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This week we talk about disappointing games, kids on the internet, Twitch bans, and much more!

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00:00:00 Intro
00:00:58 Emi Died in WoW
00:05:12 The Event Meta
00:08:56 Calories, the Gym, and Age
00:20:05 Mad Mushrooms First Game!
00:21:19 Asmons Gamersupp's Cup
00:22:47 Bans, Kids on Twitch, and Sponsored Streams
00:30:58 The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
00:37:28 GTA VI
00:40:51 Disappointing Games
00:49:27 Sponsorships
00:53:28 Cost of Living and Potential Special Eps
01:02:23 Video Game Discussion
01:07:34 BeingFree to Play = The "C" Word
01:16:33 Men are More Attractive Than Women
01:19:06 Concerts and Cosmc's
01:23:46 Fathers
01:27:38 Getting Older
01:29:16 AI in Love and Taco Bell
01:38:00 AI Influencing Medicine
01:40:17 Emi's New Pet
01:42:05 reading Youtube Comments
01:43:28 Episode Wra

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @gibble7863
    its funny to me how asmon can be so intelligent, reasonable and rational with some things, and then you hear him talk about food and its like a toddler trying to explain to his mum why he should have ice cream for dinner
  • @DoctorJohn_MD
    As a doctor I'm absolutely transfixed by every take Asmon has ever had on nutrition and health. It's like a car crash I can't look away from
  • @seamusriley4503
    Asmongold is legit like a second century diogenes that got teleported to modern times. The explanation of liquid volume entering the stomach would have had the plebians of Athens transfixed
  • @baronfuath5872
    the heavy silence after every time asmon says something degenerate or unhinged is one of my top 3 things from this podcast.
  • @jerrybaton766
    whatever health advice Asmon gives you... do the oposite
  • @brian_unx
    I agree that the game awards show should have some kind of time limit on speeches in order to keep things moving along, but I think most people felt they were too strict about it. The specific issue here was when the creators of Baldur's Gate 3 were giving their speech for winning game of the year, and only had about a minute to talk. They were given the sign to wrap it up while addressing the fact that one of the team members had recently passed away before winning the award. The entire awards show should have been centered on that moment, as it's what all of the viewers were waiting for. That team won an insane number of awards that night for their game but then were given a sliver of time on stage.. I thought the advertisements for new games and a lot of the new trailers and teasers were great, but then they sped through award categories at lightning speed. It was just kind of off-putting. This wasn't supposed to be another E3 type of event, so they should have focused on the winners and game developers more than they did. Just my opinion.
  • Emi: "Actual eating disorder andy giving advice" killed me 🤣 Water=Soda 🤦 "I go to McDonalds pretty much every day"
  • @GO321
    As a Canadian, games are already nearly 100CAD after tax. If games jump up to be over that, I cannot imagine being able to buy all the games I want to.
  • @MegaThefuture
    For real an episode with Asmon's dad would be the best thing ever. Or second best, nothing beats the House Tour.
  • @UltraPancakes
    The closing credits with the pauses on each of them gives me the best vibes every time 👍
  • @bradyhodges4784
    Tectone describing how he wishes there were more morality games, and romance games and games that let you do what you want…he just described BG3
  • @Jordyssey
    I think Emiru is wrong on this. Most gamers indeed have no money. I totally understand the whole inflation situation, that game's prices have been at 50-60 bucks for so long, but when the crisis hit in most countries, most people's salaries including myself, have dropped dramatically. Also the prices might be the same for so long, but as far as I am concern, games sell more now than they used to.
  • @wex32
    Asmon's brows work overtime to burn all those calories
  • Emiru should have said, "You have this much ice and this much hamburger."
  • What Asmon is talking about in dieting is Volumetrics, that you can take a 4oz brownie and still have it be the same calories as 1lb of broccoli. Some people try the volumetric diet, that they will eat tons of food that are very low in calories in order to stay satiated. 3 meals a day is a lot of food like Asmon said, the 3 meals a day wasn't a thing until the industrial revolution, people back in Rome might have a small amount of breakfast if they didn't eat much the day before and it might be like a tea and some bread or leftovers of last night's supper. But the norm was like a very late lunch or early supper (2-4ish) and it would be a massive meal where you sit down with other people, which makes more sense for digestion because some foods can take the entire day to digest (varies from person to person and what you're eating. Organ meats can take 12 hours to digest, roughly) So stuffing your face again when your body hasn't fully digested your last meal can contribute to over consuming, just because you now have room in your stomach, doesn't mean your intestines is not working the last meal still. Also the, "Don't eat" advice he gives, is not entirely bad advice. If you look into the autophagy, it has everything to do with cellular recycle, to where you fast anywhere from 3 to 30 days (depends on the person, what they're trying to do, health, etc. I 've done 4 days and felt great) Not only will you be in a sever calorie deficit to lose some weight, but it will kill all your food cravings, including sugar. Food will be more satisfying and fulling after you break your fast, your body can focus on cleaning itself out since it's not occupied with digestion. You'll have no mental fog and have higher levels on energy, especially in the morning (no more trying to wake up for 15 minutes) I didn't mean to write a book, but Asmond's health advice rivals that of of many doctors and brilliant minds. Everybody in the comment section who said Asmon didn't understand health, isn't thinking in 12 different areas like Asmon is.
  • @KibblesDoesStuff
    Millionaires talking about how much games should cost is great
  • @RealTaIk
    1300 kcal is way to low that's why tectone isn't losing weight. When you go that low your body basically goes into a saving mode because it thinks you are starving and it is trying to preserve your organs from failing. A healthy diet would be a daily kalorie deficit of 200-300 kcal, so someone like tectone should probably eat 1800kcal - 1900kcal a day. When you get into this starving mode your body gets really stressed and stress is also really bad for losing weight. You should also know that lifting weights and building muscle also gets really hard when you are in this starving mode. Kinda sounds like knut was teaching tectone what he does when he is trying to get lean for a bodybuilding competition but certainly isn't good advice for someone who is just trying to lose weight... A little example, I started counting calories and working out 1 1/2 years ago. I ate 1800kcal most of the time, only worked out for 30 minutes, 5 times a week (3 times cardio, 2 times muscle training) and I dropped from 300 pounds down to 210 pound in just a year. Once I dropped down to 200 pounds I started to do work out 6 times a week, (3 times cardio, 3 times muscle training) but still only working out 30 minutes. I'm now at 165 pounds and I'm very muscular, I can even see a little sixpack and I barely have any loose skin. I just recently got myself checked by my doctor, before I started this journey my blood pressure was to high, I had a high cholesterol and I was close to getting diabetis, now I'm perfectly fine. Another reason why I wouldn't recommend going for 1300kcal a day, it is impossible to sustaint that for a long term. I can easily manage 1800kcal a day with having a cheat meal every now and then for YEARS but with 1300kcal I don't think I would be able to sustain that for longer than a month.
  • @seamusriley4503
    Dude, watching the Coffin of Andy and Leyley playthrough I was already excited to hear Tectone fawn over it - he did not disappoint