Civil Forfeiture: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2014-10-05
Did you know police can just take your stuff if they suspect it's involved in a crime? They can!
It’s a shady process called “civil asset forfeiture,” and it would make for a weird episode of Law and Order.

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All Comments (21)
  • @notbobby125
    GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! New Mexico just passed a bill ending Civil Forfeiture in the state! 1 down, 49 to go.
  • @ianbattles7290
    What's the difference between a cop and a criminal? It's legal to defend yourself when a criminal robs you.
  • @colintimp1372
    One of the most disgusting examples recently was a young woman who was the victim of sexual abuse. She was awarded a civil judgement of about $74,000 after her abuser won $75,000 in the lottery. However before she could collect the money, police raided the man's house, where he had the cash. They seized the money and are refusing to give it to the victim.
  • Canadian long haul truckers are warned not to carry large amounts of cash when going to America because the police will rip you off.
  • @andyk4621
    the amount of fucketry that JO has exposed to me about this country is fucking mind blowing.
  • @IPConfigskillz
    This happened to me. I had enrolled in college classes at a local Junior College. Signed up for Financial Aid and was awarded money to pay for my schooling. I had this money on my person when I was pulled over in my girlfriends very old pos car. I was not arrested, not even suspected of a crime. Not charged at a later date, nothing. I was pulled over, pulled out of my car, searched, money confiscated, and released. Heard nothing afterwards. I tried to get the money back and was given a runaround story. I never did get that money, and because I could not afford to pay for my schooling because of the forfeiture, I could not attend school for that quarter. Not only that, but the because I didn't go to school, the government suspended my ability to have financial aid. Essentially, I was robbed by the government of money that was awarded to me by the government, and not allowed to attend college because of it. And for no reason at all.
  • @crazyartmichael
    I've been asked if I had any money on me several times by police. I always respond in the negative. Never carry cash with you if you can avoid it, because if they take it you will never get it back. Even trying to get it back will get the police harassing you. I went to a party once and was confronted by the hosts uncle. He was a veteran police officer. He saw I had an antique pocket knife on me, and decided he wanted it. First he told me it was illegal and that I had to hand it in to him. I corrected him and let him know it was perfectly legal. Next he said I was in the wrong and that if I didn't give it to him he would arrest me and make up charges. We got into a heated argument and I ended up literally grabbing my wife and hastily leaving before he could steal from me. He was literally on the phone as I was leaving calling his police friends to see if they could come help him steal from me. This is all allowed in their mind set. They see themselves as right in all scenarios.
  • @longQ1551
    We need cop dramas that expose shady police activity
  • @ctrain149
    "Common people do not carry that much US currency" So then he was an uncommon person. How is that proof of guilt?
  • @cbdsw
    The Canadian Government has issued a travel warning to people traveling to the US regarding this very thing. I never thought I would see the day the US would have the same travel warnings as third world countries.
  • @sneaks9150
    I was in the jury for the "America vs an article consisting of 50,000 cardboard boxes, more or less, each containing one pair of clacker balls" case. It was a long a grueling day in court waiting for all 50,000 boxes give statements one at a time.
  • @IMSiegfried
    The state of Florida just passed a bill to make civil asset forfeiture illegal! Yay!
  • @DazednConfused0
    the cop that stole the 20k from the guy who was going to buy a car should be fired for incompetence.
  • So, it's legal to sue a house, but they still use the old argument of "guns don't kill, people do"? Arrest those guns! They look suspicious and might be used for criminal activities. What insanity is this?
  • @AFN2750
    Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it the responsibility of an establishment to get a license to sell alcohol, not the people consuming it? When I go to a French restaurant, I don’t ask for their liquor license
  • @TheLunarLegend
    "I've concluded this money was going to be used in a crime." Are you profiling my cash? I suppose ALL cash looks the same to SOME people. YOU MAKE ME SICK!
  • @dustineng1
    "When injustice becomes law, Resistance becomes Duty" -Thomas Jefferson
  • @luvmibratt
    As a judge will say ignorance is not a defense, so that I don't know cop SHOULD have been jailed.
  • I got redirected here after watching the latest video on police in 2020. Anyone watching this in 2020 and shaking their head?