Ontario, Canada: Promises to the masses, lies to individuals. The good and the bad. Who's who?

Published 2024-02-02
You cannot judge a person truly by the hat they wear.
Thumbnail of dilated pupils after nightmares (I am looking at a light).

All Comments (2)
  • Saoirse, I hope you see this. My name is Bekki and I live in Ontario Canada, too. Thank you so much for sharing your story and experiences, you are very brave, and I want you to know that you are a good person. You don't need to prove that to anyone. You are valued, loved, heard, and appreciated - and people who don't see that don't understand what they're missing out on. I have had negative experiences with the mental health system too, although not as bad as yours, still they've shattered my belief and hope that some therapists and doctors have your best intentions. I struggle with many conditions, including selective mutism, autism, severe anxiety, OCD, and others - and feel like nobody understands, because even the people who were supposed to help me and be there for me, turned on me and gave up on me when I needed them the most. Some professionals even made it worse, made me feel like I was trapped with no way to communicate and express myself. This is just some of what I've experienced being mistreated by the mental health system while reaching out when I needed them. I hope this would help you feel less alone and understood, even if it's just a little bit. I would love to chat and share my experiences with you, if you're comfortable with that. Would you like to exchange emails? Hope you see this, I believe in you and wishing you all the best! I will wait for your reply! 😊 You are so strong and what you went through doesn't define you! ❤️