Getting to the bottom of the UAP/UFO whistleblower story

Published 2023-06-09
According to a former high-level member of the American intelligence apparatus, the United States government has been secretly recovering debris and even entire intact spacecraft of “non-human origin” for decades. These efforts, shrouded within the Pentagon’s most secretive Special Access Programs, have long sought to achieve a technical advantage over America’s adversaries, who the same former official claims have secret crash retrieval programs of their own.

"We’re definitely not alone," he said. "The data points, quite empirically that we’re not alone."

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Previous Coverage:
   • Whistleblower claims the US has recov...  

Further Reading:

Original story from The Debrief:…
Debrief Fact Check Q&As:

News Nation Interview Clips:
-    • Military whistleblower claims US has ...  
-    • Whistleblower says UFOs triggered a '...  

Blumenthal Tweet:


All Comments (21)
  • I just came here to find out one thing: Does the F-15’s 104 to 0 kill ratio include alien UFOs, or not?
  • @Frostbiker
    None of what he has disclosed publicly is proof, but his position in the UAP task force gives him plausible access to this information. What we need now is Congress to look into the supporting classified data that he has provided and determine whether his claims are legitimate or not. He has apparently provided the names of people and locations where these crafts have been hidden, and other witnesses have also testified under oath corroborating his story.
  • @lissettelopez8331
    I spent a lot of time at the guard gate reading the IDs of incoming service members and contractors and I’ve never seen any civilian member higher than GS-13, and when I did see GS-13 they were usually in group with high brass, so him being GS-15 is saying a lot about his civilian rank level.
  • Imagine coming all the way from Planet Zebura 3 million light years away, just to crash in Texas.
  • @cxerphax1
    As a prior service mil member, one of the most important factors in this whole thing is the support he has from Colonel Nell. A Colonel does not lightly offer their support or say such comments on record on behalf of a junior service member unless they themselves believe those comments. A Captain isn't much compared to a Colonel. To me that was the most interesting tid bit of information here.
  • @exeter7414
    Really great journalism, here. Viewing this from both sides as you have. Thank you for doing that, and for the excellent reporting!
  • @EvEnMoR
    As someone who's been researching Ufology for almost two decades with what I like to believe is a healthy balance of belief vs skepticism, I gotta commend you on this video. Very well researched with all current and relevant information presented perfectly from a neutral standpoint... Major kudos 🫡👍
  • @kwisatzsawyer
    When I was a young Soldier I was admonished to "believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see." Still good advice.
  • I feel like, had whistle-blower protections for this area with a direct line to congressional oversight been in effect in the past, we'd have seen all of this come to light a very long time ago.
  • @adamfree9903
    Have always been interested in UFO/UAPs. I hope you keep covering the story Alex. The recent Congressional hearing had some amazing moments but somehow someone is going to need to produce something anything that can be seen and looked at. I hope we are closer. Thanks Alex a great piece as usual.
  • @2580jared
    I really appreciate the objective look at this story.
  • If these aliens are crashing so often you have government agencies collecting their wrecked spaceships, I don't think we should be copying their technology.
  • @norad_clips
    Even if it is true, I doubt a whistleblower could overcome a government program THAT dedicated to secrecy
  • @gregzambelli7921
    This was an amazing unbiased video. Thank you. I have been obsessed with UFOlogy for a decade, this was a great fair synopsis.
  • @jpjohns2466
    The ICIG concluded in July 2022 that Grusch’s whistleblower complaint was “credible and urgent.”
  • @newrev9er
    I don't know... I guess there are three main considerations that make me doubtful: 1) If these crashes have been occurring with any degree of frequency for almost a century, it seems highly implausible that evidence would not at some point be recovered by non-military, non-governmental persons somewhere in the world. Once this occurred, the ability of any one group to keep evidence of these encounters from the general public, the global academy, and even the other offices of their own government seems extremely improbable. 2) The idea that there would be non-human biological entities piloting any of these crafts seems like a quaint contrivance of science fiction. The idea that a civilization could produce craft capable of interstellar travel and all the various physics-defying maneuvers which are attributed to them, but would not have AI systems sufficiently advanced to pilot these craft seems very, very odd. 3) Do bear in mind that our present best understanding of physics - while self-admittedly still incomplete - is not to be taken lightly. While it is possible that some as-yet unknown physics might permit transmedium craft to exhibit the kind of propulsionless and inertia-defying maneuvers that witnesses describe, unless and until a physical hypothesis is postulated by way of explanation for these maneuvers, we should probably remain skeptical.
  • @screddot7074
    My experience with the USAF OSI was, "when we finish with you, you won't even recognize your own mother". That's a quote. Just because someone screwed up and I saw something I shouldn't have. I had a top secret clearance, I had a higher clearance than my boss had, but I did not have any need to know that information.
  • @daveblodgett2438
    My first viewing and you came out of the gate with "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". When you lead with Hitchens razor I feel an instant kinship. There are too few critical thinkers on this planet, and we need solidarity among us.
  • @DovahElioth
    Its not about taking him at face value. Its about taking the claims seriously and having a proper hearing with supenoed witness.