Brian Shaffer Footage Quick Analysis - Did Brian Stash His Phone in Her Purse?

Published 2021-11-30

All Comments (21)
  • Arrin, I just want to thank you for not being one of those YouTube uploaders who puts your own face with a stupid exaggerated expression on your thumbnails for your videos.
  • @tsmith3286
    I've researched this case for many years. I think this case is solvable but I think we are getting info way too late. There is so much more that could be given out but I'm thinking maybe the police are holding back because it's possible this was a homicide. To clear up a few things. The Ugly Tuna closed at 2:30. I confirmed this more than once. I have been there and spoke to the employees. I also have two close friends who lived in Columbus before Brian went missing and still do and both are grads from OSU. They also confirmed 2:30 am as closing time. Lastly if you look at some old menus online you will see their hours. I don't see Brian handing his cell phone to Amber or Brightan. Brian does glance over to the two officers but why would he do that just to hand a phone to someone. It was actually Brightan who put her number into Brian's phone. She has confirmed this in an interview. I think Brian's phone rang and he looked down at it to see who it was and then he tagged Brightan on her back to get her attention. I think this is the point where Brian knew he wasn't going to leave with them. When Meredith called Brian from Clint's cell phone the call went straight to VM but I think there was a good possibility that Brian was in the basement on his way out so he may have lost his signal or he may have shut it down when he grabbed it out of his pocket. A couple days after Brian went missing his phone was pinging on campus near the corner of Kenny and Lane. This was confirmed by Det Hurst in an online interview. What most people don't know is Brian was meeting at least 4 other guys out that night. From what I know all of them were at the UTS but I do not know when they left. About 3 years ago I was able to look at Brian's cell phone bill but only up until midnight so I was unable to see the call that Meredith made to Brian. I spent months looking at this bill. About 2 months ago I decided to look at it again and I found something very interesting. One of the numbers he called that night was listed to many different people over the years. I researched them all and I did come up with one person who was an employee at OSU but it didn't fit as this person was not employed at OSU during the time Brian went missing and did not live in the area. I was at a dead end when I noticed that this number was a landline number that most likely was part of the house rental. Here's the crazy part. This apt was just a stones throw away from where Brian's phone pinged a couple days after he went missing. I was still at a dead end so I decided to go a different route to see the past renters when bingo. One of Brian's friends showed up as someone who lived there at the time Brian went missing. Previously this person was not listed living there. So when you put all of this together we have Brian's phone pinging on campus a couple days after he went missing. The phone ping was very near where one of his friends lived and Brian had called that number the night he went out. At the very least Brian's phone was near his friends house or quite possibly Brian was at his friends house two days after he went missing. IMO this is huge news. One could speculate as to what may have happened but there are not many scenarios. Was Brian hiding out? Was Brian dead and someone had his phone? Then we have the so called glitch 6 months after Brian went missing in Hilliard. This glitch lasted a while. Alexis has stated it last for many hours. She would call his phone and instead of going straight to VM it would ring first. If this was a glitch you wouldn't be able to track it to a specific road in Hilliard. Personally I'd bet money the police already know about the first ping and where Brian's friend lived at the time. If by some chance they don't know then I would really like to hear an explanation from the friend as to why Brian's phone pinged near his apt. If something bad did happen that night at this apt would there still be some kind of clue that puts Brian there after all these years? How does the phone being turned on 6 months later fit into this?
  • @Derek032789
    This is the case that got me into missing person mysteries. It’s too bad no one can find all of the surveillance footage from that camera.
  • @janety.1323
    Nah. The gf kept calling the phone. It this girl had it, they'd have known.
  • @poppypaint
    Another great in-depth analysis. Keep up the good work!
  • @wordsleuth992
    @Arrin Stoner - I asked Ed from Unfound to send you the footage too - so I’m glad you got it and are taking a look for us!!
  • @MimiYuYu
    I watched a few Brian Shaffer videos and this one was the only one that had something extra. Thanks for putting this out!
  • 02/25/22:Here just to wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY to BRIAN whereever he is!!. Interesting video and good analysis. Everything is possible in this case. Hope we get answers...He just turned 43 or would have been that age...Never forget BRIAN!.💝
  • @kerry7216
    You are amazing Arrin how you investigate these videos, keep up the awesome work
  • @Chrissy259
    Arrin, . Love your stuff Arrin. You have a big heart and great talent in looking into these crime cases. I am sure the families of the missing much appreciate your hard work. The police should too. Thanks for the upload. Chrissy
  • No cell phone in the left hand. He taps her on the back and she responds immediately. Her purse is further away than his hand. The right hand looks like it has a black square object too, but it's just the pixilation of the video image.
  • @Itwasme5071
    To me it looked like he still had his phone after the hand movement towards her purse
  • @Mimi-74
    This is the first time anyone has drawn attention to this, to my knowledge. I have watched this case for years on different channels and they typically regurgitate what the last show airs. I want to see the HLN episode. Whoever caught this, great eye!
  • @HappyWanderer140
    It makes no sense to put your phone in someone else's bag. When you could turn it off and throw it in a bin or body of water or bury it.
  • @Truth17John17
    Thank you for what you do, Arrin. Please don't let others who lie, cheat, and steal discourage you from utilizing your giftedness to help others. Your work is making a difference, and even if it only helped one life, in the end, it will have been worth the cost. It is helping so much more than that. Please don't quit.
  • @cet6237
    Another great video. You have a GREAT eye for detail. Its admirable that you don't GUESS or make up things to fit desired narrative. I "think" i can barely see the phone in his hand after he retrieves his hand/arm from her left/back side. But I am admittedly old and can't see worth a dam. Keep up the great work buddy!
  • @rvalyfe7780
    When u go out together u leave together His friends should have done more before leaving