How to Be Popular - 1940's High School Dating Guide

Published 2019-11-20
Lovely short movie from 1947 on how to be popular. How to talk to girls and date.
A nostalgic look at a very different kind of America, where respect for the other person took precedence over caring about one's self. Being considerate was a first step to being popular and making friends, and a sure fire way of getting a date! The #etiquette principles followed here by Carolyn and Wally seem less and less relevant today.
If you're a shy person, these same tips can be helpful too. You'll learn to worry less about yourself, and how you look and show more interest in other people. If you want to know how to ask a girl out properly, this film's charming example is one of the best you'll find anywhere.
Filmed in Kodachrome in 1947 by Coronet Instructional Films.
Director: Ted Peshak. Cinematography: Bill Rockar. Written by Robert Chapin and Patricia Kealy. Editor: George Wilbern. Educational adviser: Dr. Alice Sowers, Director, Family Life Institute of the University of Oklahoma. With Marilyn Fisher (Caroline Ames); Bill Fein (Larry); Bunny Catcher (Ellie); Lester Podewell (Mr. Ames); Marilyn Fisher's mother (Mrs. Ames); and Shaya Nash (Ginny).

Courtesy of Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division.

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All Comments (21)
  • @glamourdaze
    We love this film. American high school life is very different today. Do you think the suggestions here might still work these days?
  • @lon34ngel20
    Instructions unclear: i tried this in school and they called me a boomer
  • @Lileiny
    "Caroline keeps a date calendar: she'll never have the embarrassment of forgetting a date". Yeah, sure, I also have so many dates that I could forget some of them... cough
  • @xcelestialsongx
    Guys in the 1950s: "Caroline, I was wondering if you would like to see a movie with me on Saturday night." Guys in 2021: "u up?"
  • @NameePark
    So cool how grandmas still dress the way they did in high school; wonder if all the youth now will be dressing the way they do now even when they’re elderly 😲
  • To be popular in the '40s: be friendly, interested in other people, and considerate of your other fellow. To be popular now: literally the opposite EDIT: Two years later, and this is the most likes I've ever received on a video comment. Thank you. <3
  • @nicovargas7776
    I love how the boy moved over so she could have the seat at the lunch table, instead of ignoring her and making her find her own chair. Such a gentleman.
  • @Brisingr2392
    This is not only about being popular, this is also about being a proper human in society.
  • @xxawashxx2294
    I love how polite and classy ppl acted something ppl should have not left in the past
  • @munecabonbon
    I like that the boys moved one seat over so that she could sit with the other girl that she's already acquainted with
  • @secretlybees
    "Meow Meow" was a joke where the girl was saying the boys were being catty. Catty is not cat-calling. It's a behavior where people are being petty. If you've ever seen a movie where they have typically women being subtly mean to each other, like a fashionista giving mean compliments like "I love how you'll just wear anything and don't care how you look," that's being catty. (just putting all of this in one comment)
  • People were so respectful back then, I’m in highschool now and literally no one is like this anymore
  • @speaksoslightly
    I'm glad that the tips for being popular are things like 'be considerate' and 'always keep track of dates' and not ridiculous stuff like 'be good at applying makeup' and 'date lots of boys' edit: stop arguing in the replies please 😭 also nothing wrong with makeup or dating, but those things shouldn’t determine a woman’s worth
  • It’s cool seeing the guy not pressure her, and politely end the conversation when she said she couldn’t go out
  • @ShelbyFarrow
    My Mom was in high school in the 40's. Watching these kind of videos kind of gives me a glimpse of what her life would have been like. She graduated in 1944.
  • @acidicsucrose
    I like how the video gives advice to the guys to consider what the girl would like to do on a date as to not put her entirely on the spot to plan the whole thing. Coming out of a relationship where my BF never planned anything, took me to do whatever he wanted to do, and always relied on me to come up with the well-thought out dates --- this is SOLID advice. I wish guys were as confident as they were in the 40's lol Jerry took that polite rejection like a champ, saying, "Okay Carolyn, well thanks a lot just the same! Goodbye." That was so kind to understand that she didn't want to go on a date, but i'm sure that wouldn't discourage him from asking out another girl.
  • Back then, a girl could date around and it wouldn’t be assumed that she was also sleeping with them. Glorious times to be young and single.
  • @sarebear483
    It's interesting to note that what popularity was back then - common sense, being friendly and respecting others - is the complete opposite of what happens these days ; *edit - In mainstream media.
  • @Jim__05
    When everyone had manners.