Yoga for Asthma, Yoga for Respiratory Problems | Yoga for Bronchitis

Published 2024-01-30
Yoga for Asthma, Yoga for Respiratory Problems | Yoga for Bronchitis

Are you looking for natural ways to manage asthma or other respiratory disorders? Welcome to our channel, where we explore the therapeutic benefits of yoga for improving respiratory health.

In this video, we'll guide you through a series of gentle yoga poses and breathing exercises specifically designed to alleviate symptoms associated with asthma and other respiratory conditions. Whether you're seeking relief from shortness of breath, wheezing, or chest tightness, these practices can offer support and relief.

Yoga is known for its ability to enhance lung function, increase respiratory strength, and promote relaxation, all of which are beneficial for managing asthma and related issues. Our experienced instructor will provide step-by-step instructions, making these practices accessible to practitioners of all levels.

Join us on the mat and discover how the power of yoga can help you breathe easier and live more comfortably. Don't let asthma or respiratory disorders hold you back any longer; start your journey to better respiratory health today with our yoga practices.

Subscribe to our channel for more videos on yoga, wellness, and holistic health tips. Together, let's breathe easy and embrace a life of vitality and well-being through the practice of yoga.

00:00 - Yoga Therapy for Asthma and Respiratory Disorders ( Introduction)
00:47 - What are asthma and bronchitis?
05:34 - Yoga Therapy for Respiratory Disorders
05:49 - Asanas
06:32 - Tadasana ( Mountain Pose)
07:48 - Sukhasana ( Easy sitting Pose)
08:34 - Bhujangasana ( Cobra Pose)
09:15 - Setubandhasana ( Bridge Pose)
10:22 - Majrarasana ( Cats and Cow Stretch Pose)
11: 31 - Adhokukaswan asana (downward-facing dog)
12: 09 - Ustrasana ( Camel Pose)
15: 10 - Pranayamas for Respiratory Disorders
16: 49 - Naadi Shodhana Pranyama ( Alternate Nostril Breathing)
18: 39 - Ujjayi Pranayama ( Victorious Breath)
19: 13 - Bhramari Pranayama ( Humming bee breath)
20: 57 - Yoga Nidra
22: 34 - Shavasana ( Corpse Pose)
23: 43 - Progressive Muscle Relaxation ( PMR)
25: 30 - Mudra Therapy
27: 57 - Lifestyle Restrictions

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