Pumped up kicks but I play it in major key

Published 2020-07-08
I literally filmed this like 5 minutes after I woke up so don't be surprised if I look like Coraline's dad on his computer.

All Comments (21)
  • @sev1011
    The quiet kid when he realizes everyone is being nice to him
    When the quiet kid says to not come to school tomorrow but it's friday
  • @andromeda_va39
    When the quiet kid turns out to just be a bit shy and they're really happy that someone finally asked to sit with them at lunch
  • @audrey9718
    This is what plays at the end of movies during the “where are they now” sequences
  • @MIZUch.
    When the weird kid reaches for the bag and pulls out water guns so everybody can play
  • @ClubbyBubby
    The Quiet Kid: “Maybe I don’t want to be the bad guy anymore.”
  • @hectorgarza6679
    The way he looks at the camera, makes me think i owe him money
  • @zackcook6635
    " Why are we bullying the quiet kid ?" "Dang you're right, let's be friends instead !"
  • @Hexmonkey
    When the popular kid reaches into his bag and he brought snacks for everyone.
  • @trixiemarie5608
    When you’re scared of the quiet kid in class but he’s actually really cool and nice
  • @nomekop777
    The quiet kid was only quiet because no one talked to him, and he's actually a wonderful guy when he opens up
  • @nexustarget442
    "All the other kids with their pumped up kicks, having fun, having fun, having lots of fun."
  • @N-VAMusic
    ALternate title: "If The Office music producers wrote Pumped Up Kicks"
  • @viviwatt
    POV: its the end of the coming of age movie; the quiet kid found a group of friends who understand him and he got help for his mental health issues. He's probs doing a voiceover about how he's finally healing and is allowing himself to be happy. He mentions all the things that have changed. Him and his friends are all riding bikes down the street, laughing and the camera pans towards to sunset. (this is just a random scenario i thought of)
  • @aceampora6012
    When you pick up the quiet kid’s pencil and they say, “Come to school tomorrow, it’s my birthday and I’m bringing cake.”
  • @DrakkarX
    If pumped up kicks was made by canadians.