Lousing up The Lottery

Published 2023-06-26
The plaintiff purchased lottery tickets from the defendant’s store, and she won big. However, the plaintiff claims the defendant’s son wanted a big tip, and when she refused, the defendant held some of the plaintiff’s winnings, so she’s suing. The defendant insists the plaintiff never paid for the winning tickets.


All Comments (21)
  • He called her broke but her money is keeping his business afloat and he's behind on his bills. He's trash.
  • Let's not overlook that his son was 16, and he's not legally allowed to EVEN SELL lottery tickets 😮. Gotta be 18 to sell.
  • @Lenape_Lady
    I GUARANTEE this wasn’t the first time this “man” messed around with ppl’s lottery tickets. I’d bet my life on it.
  • The defendant is a crook, period. I am certain he has scammed many more people using same technique(probably vulnerable senior citizens).
  • @slapaho
    I like how he blames the plaintiff for him being out of the lottery business as if she did something wrong to him. The audacity of her to not let him get away with stealing from her!
  • @BobBlumenfeld
    Wow! That police report was quite damning to both the defendant's case and the defendant's character.
  • @carmenultra1
    I am so glad she sued and lost his gaming license, that lady was too nice letting him pay in installments. I’m glad she won.
  • Just imagine how many people he has gotten over on like this and they just were not willing to hold him accountable for it. He is a crook.
  • @jackiewelch85
    I knew when he sighed he was a piece of work!! He just BOLDLY called her "broke" like he doesnt benefit from all of her money she spends there. Terrible business owner
  • @missy67
    They requested a tip, (sounding like a bribe), she agreed, and still wouldn't give her her winnings. Definitely a scammer.
  • @LadyChatterly
    What a piece of work the defendant is. I’m glad she exposed him.
  • He’s the worse kind of liar. He literally ADMITTED he stole her ticket in the report, but now he’s backpedaling as if the truth never came out.
  • @carmenultra1
    Calling that lady broke and her life is tickets is awful, what a snake and a bad man!
  • @kimberlyadorno280
    The nerve of him to behave so indignant, as if the plaintiff was the crook! He claims she's so "broke" but people like her are the ones keeping his business afloat and his bills paid(almost paid, because apparently he's not only a thief but a bad money manager as well). The audacity 😫
  • He tried to make her out to be an poor ignorant old lady. She proved him wrong! 🎉
  • @danceitoffchi
    That happened to my mother. She went to the same place everyday to play the lottery. On one day, she was running late and asked the clerk to "put her number in" for her. The clerk agreed to do it. The number won. When she called for her ticket and to collect her winnings, the clerk said that she, "Forgot to put the number in that day. It was too busy in the store." Shady business. I'll never forget how hurt my mother was. I am so happy that justice was served here, and he lost his license. Thank you, Ms. Plaintiff. You did not know it, but this one you did for my mama, too.💌