BATTLEFIELD™ 1 - Dreadnought 106-0 Insane Killstreak

Published 2017-01-12
Dreadnought 106-0 playing Operations at Fao Fortress

As soon as I’ve entered the server I realized my team was mostly noobs and so bad they couldn't even take the first sector with one battalion
So I've decided to go on the Dreadnought for the next battalions and this was the result

I know it's not the most skilled gameplay but I wanted to share this huge streak

I’ve other infantry and more skilled gameplay videos if you want to watch:

• Sentry Elite Class Carnage (42 Killstreak)
   • BATTLEFIELD™ 1 - Sentry Elite Class C...  

• Agressive Sniper Killstreak
   • BATTLEFIELD™ 1 - Agressive Sniper Kil...  

• How To Deal With 2 Heavy Tanks Like a Boss
   • BATTLEFIELD™ 1 - How To Deal With 2 H...  

Just stop by my channel

All Comments (21)
  • @TurdFurgeson571
    I love the guys on the AA incessantly shooting toward the shoreline, watching the awesome display of flak bursting as they wonder why they aren't even getting hit markers.
  • @PortHolio408
    Not sure what's the most infuriating: - 90% of the team is just snipe camping and won't cap - boat sitting there 100ft out of range for the AA gun that could be yeeting HE everywhere - the AA guy oblivious to this and doing fuck all to defend against PT boats - boat sitting there taking torpedo after torpedo from a PT boat directing in front - nobody spotting anything Hint: if you shoot at the friendly dead markers, you'll hit whoever just killed your team mates
  • @IzzyG2k18
    All that artillery cover and your team still can't take the point like damn how bad are they! You're giving them the most op cover/support
  • Did anyone else notice that the Dreadnought driving in at the sequence had the ottomen flag and not the british flag? That would’ve meant that the dreadnought was reinforcing the ottomen, which is impossible.
  • A thing that I am not a fan of the Dreadnought in BF1 is how quickly the turret and its huge cannons can elevate and rotate, I don’t see how an old Battleship can have such quick turning rates
  • @spanishsupafly
    Captain: "Aye Colonel, reporting 106 confirmed kills via Dreadnought reinforcement bombardment at Fao Fortress, sir!" Colonel: "Splendid, splendid! And how much ground should I tell the General our troops have advanced into enemy terrain?" Captain: "...............................Uhhhhh, ADVANCED, sir?"
  • @toainsully
    "Unopposed under crimson skies Immortalized, over time their legend will rise And their foes can't believe their eyes, believe their size, as they fall And the dreadnoughts dread nothing at all" --- Sabaton - Dreadnought
  • Great shooting! Seemed like the second round they were close enough to spot their blown. Crazy that kind of support and still couldn’t win
  • @KaZZpah
    The kill sounds are so satisfying 😂✌🏻 awesome gameplay 👍🏻
  • @Briselance
    I wonder if the dreadnought's secondary artillery can be used as well.
  • @hotdogger6015
    the fuckin NPC blueberry shooting short AA rounds at the beach the whole match drove me nuts lol
  • @hotchango1507
    Is the ground team nothing but snipers chillin at spawn?
  • @assassinwoman16
    The Dreadnought is the true definition of firing blindly lol I love it, but really your relying on other people to spot and what not so you know where the fuck too shoot, instead of just firing blindly. Thats like the only downside to the larger cannons.