I'm Choosing Linux over Windows - Here's Why

Published 2024-02-18
I'm Choosing Linux over Windows - Here's Why


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What's up, I'm Frank!
I help people reach financial independence, build online businesses, learn how to use tech, and quit their regular jobs. With expertise in print-on-demand, graphic design, free/libre & open source, eCommerce, tech, and AI, I teach how to create diverse streams of passive income.

#microsoft #linux #os #windows

All Comments (21)
  • @jeremybowden3134
    I've used windows my whole life and switched to Linux about 3 years ago. I have all the software i need and can never turn back
  • @DV-ml4fm
    I'm happy you decided to go with linux. The longer you stick with linux the better you will become using it. Especially writing your own scripts.
  • @alligoodw
    I started computing in 1987 with Commodore's Amiga 1000. After that, Microsoft Windows until two years ago when I dual-booted with Windows and a Linux distribution. After a year of comparing and testing, I decided to remove Windows and today use MX Linux 23 (KDE). I have no regrets.
  • @kyoujinko
    Welcome to the penguin world. Been on Debian for over ten years, just couldnt imagine going back to windoze. have tried Ubunti and Mint (my kids use mint) , but I like nice and stable Debian 12
  • @hosseines276
    I'm not a native English speaker and I learned how to spell "Alternative" when I switched to Linux XD
  • @nichohells
    The Windows desktop and the lack of freedom you get from using it doesn't get me excited at all, that's the main reason why I instead use Linux, I get totally the opposite effect from what get by using Windows.
  • @nemowei5553
    I switched too. What distro you use? I am on Fedora, was on Ubuntu
  • @ArefinKarim
    What is your opinion about fedora? very nice distro IMO
  • @twiggy749
    More than a decade here on Linux Desktop (not console user, using It sometimes though). I have always felt more confortable using Linux because I feel my computers doing what I want (no delays and no proceses in the background doing Microsoft jobs). I have using Ubuntu all this time and now I am thinking on switch to Mint.
  • @G1esas
    I was the guy on windows, who's always tried to adjust it to my likings, custom ultraUXtheme, removing of windows defender, disabling windows updates, etc. I sitted on windows 7 really quite a while up to ~2020, but switched to windows 10 cuz of building new pc, + 1 game wasn't able to run on win 7. After ~year or two of windows 11 release, i'm deciding to give win 11 a try + been bored of theme that i make (if i had to change it, i require to change alot of stuff) and oh my gosh, windows 11 absolutley fucking horrific. I've always pirated windows, because of several reasons, and i can't wrap my head around, how awful win 11 is, even if you just download it for free + debloated version, feels like i have to be payed, for using windows 11. As i've tried to do adjustments that i already used to on windows 7, windows 10, i was struggle to make on win11, i had alot of critical bugs on it, i barely managed to disable win defender in there, im not sure have i disabled windows updates completley and so on. After switching to linux, i allocated full nvme ssd for linux, which resolves of me, to keep windows still on HDD because of college work and 1 game. And slower shit you can't imagine, man, im booting into windows 11 off HDD for ATLEAST 25 minutes, absolutley no joke, not in the slightest. Full serious. Opening something such as discord takes ~15 minutes. I'm just outraged that this product is real. Thankfully, windows 11 is so full of shit, that it forced me to use clearly superious OS. I was not afraid of linux, cuz i've tried to dual boot it before, even applied some theme + extensions, and simply didn't use it afterwards. After this forced switching to linux, i've realized how much of pain it was, to dig up any info for windows, because 95% of guides that been for windows related stuff is mostly consists of: "Reeboot your pc, delete %temp% folder, clear cache, download our [SPECIALIZED SOFTWARE FOR EXACT ISSUE] - name product, etc.", so only 1% of total windows users are actually tried to do things i've looked for, and still i resolved my issues on windows by my hands, without any guides, cuz there simply none of them, that actually useful. I were SHOCKED, ASTONISHED, BAMBOOZLED on why linux is THAT good and FREE. If you're tried to adjust atleast something on windows, that isnt welcomed by microsoft - you're totally ready for linux, just go away from sinking ship of windows. I am amazed how much it changed troughout just a few years, in terms of games. I will NEVER switch to windows again, maybe only if someone would me pay for it, genuenly. Linux is about: "Alright, i have a problem, how do i fix it? Does anyone had this issue before?", each user will meet personal bouquet of issues, but that doesnt mean that didnt happened before, so you'll practicaly always will find a solution on linux. Please, if you have some issue, and found solution for it, have a dedicated notepad for it, so it'll be easier for urself in future, and share the solution in easier form (eg. leave a comment that you did ### and it helped, under the post about this issue).
  • @pjcpspn670
    I am less than a month as well and still learning more and so far I have learned to use GParted and Disk to customize my SSD partitions for appimages type files and personal files and learned to increase the Swapfile Virtual Memory that I might need while gaming hahaha. First goals achived. I am using Zorin 17 Pro. Its a wild ride switching but worth it.
  • @x_tornado10
    I'm thinking about switching to linux too. But I'm not sure yet if I want to go through the hastle of reinstalling everything.
  • @linuxnext
    glad your enjoying linux :) edit: after watching the video i agree with everything :) iv given some money to kdenlive as i use it as my main editor for my videos, i love the kde devs and want them to get the revenue they deserve to enhance their desktop and applications iv been using linux for about 1.5 years now and their is always something new coming out or improving the experience for the end user on linux, i truly like that :)
  • @DMSBrian24
    Awesome, welcome to the free world. Btw if you ever run into some software compatibility issues, there's no shame dual booting windows or running a windows VM to get stuff like adobe working - i've had a windows partition for years before i made a complete switch. Having that be an option prevents a lot of frustrations that might otherwise drive you away completely.
  • @Lampe2020
    My first own computer was a RasPi 3, so I actually learned to do general computing on Linux. And most RasPiOS installs survived less than 24h… And Window$ has actually become unusable for me. Whenever school forces me to use Window$ to do an exam (in all other cases Linux works, but the exams run in a special Window$-only browser which refuses to run in WINE) I immediately get struck by how bad Window$ really is. And I have noticed that my laptop keeps cooler running Linux. When I use Linux the cooling fan rarely kicks in, but in Window$ just idling on the desktop is enough for it to ramp up the fan and actually spew out painfully hot air out the vent.
  • @1kill2steal92
    Very nice and insightful video as a new user. I agree with the fact that you don't need to use the terminal anymore and also props to giving linux a try even with Nvidia. Those GPUs usually have a bunch of problems which are irritating to deal with. But I want to mention that the terminal is great if you want to be a "power user" and how you could give it a try if you wish. The workflow customization is unlimited - you can do everything from the terminal if you wish. However I know that it's NOT something for everyone and that's why I only say that you should try it. Obviously you need to be careful with commands and be a bit more pragmatic in the sense of knowing what you want to do in the form of writing commands. In any case please don't fall for these simple trolls rm -rf / --no-preserve root Simple one, however, someone can catch you into doing rm -rf ./.* which will also remove everything (except the root user) because the * (asterisk) is a wildcard for any matching content after the initial input (in this case ".") and ".." which is translated as "up a directory" will also be selected because of how the terminal handles the dot with that wildcard and the -rf flags (recursively + forcefully). There's a lot more ways you can cause inconveniences like a fork bomb - :(){ :|:& };: but i'll stop talking because my comment is getting quite long. It's a fun adventure and you should try to slowly get used to the terminal. It really helps for quicker programming when you can automate stuff and navigate only with your keyboard. Anyway, that's all!
  • a little friendly tip frank, try limiting the times you say "okay" Personally i like to use Zorin OS. as of recent
  • @prakhars962
    So you are not using proprietary software. My PhD work requires me to use Solidworks and ANSYS student, both no available on Linux. So I use WSL2 for the machine learning part.
  • @OraOraOra
    Can't wait to see more of your Linux journey! With the recent bs going on with Microsoft, I think some more will come to Linux and your Videos will be helpful! I totally agree with all you Points! And Gaming nowdays on Linux is fine! Basically if it's a Steam Game or offline Game, I don't worry at all. But some Games like Valorant with Kernel Anti Cheat will not work obviously. Heroic Games Launcher and Steam is all you need.
  • @Azureskies01
    Linux would be my go to if it had 2 things, GUI support for video drivers (I want the same experience in linux as i do in windows with the AMD software). The second thing is having full peripheral support, I'm saying all mice and game pads (like the razer tartarus pro) with comparable applications on linux. The feel and look of linux as an OS (depending on which disto you go with) is amazing. Thing is, I play games and while proton is bad ass and I have tested it out a lot but, the fact that you have to get shitty linux apps for mice and stuff is not ok.