The Best Piece Of Wisdom To Pursue Your Purpose & Calling

Published 2016-10-21
How an interaction with a cashier at Trader Joe's lead to the best piece of wisdom for anyone who is ready to pursue their purpose and calling...

"You won't know how to do everything from the beginning. Take things one day at a time. Listen to motivational messages every day."


So often I see people get stopped from pursuing their purpose and calling by trying to figure it all out from the beginning.

Which is impossible. Just take it one day at a time.

There will be obstacles.

There will be challenges.

There will be moments when you question everything and want to give up.

Keep going anyway.

Listen to motivational messages every day to encourage you, build you up and feed your faith.

You feel the calling for a reason.

It will never stop.

There is no other way.

One day at a time.

With love,

Jessica Forrest-Baldini
Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur Mentor

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