RECEIVING THE ENDOWMENT! First Thoughts? The Kingdom of God is for the Childlike in Heart!

Published 2024-05-06
#1. RECEIVING THE ENDOWMENT! First Thoughts? The Kingdom of God is for the Childlike in Heart! Much love, David

All Comments (21)
  • @cw1145
    I’ve always felt that going to church teaches us how approachable God is. Going to the temple teaches us how holy God is.
  • Between David Alexander receiving his endowment, and David Boice (from 52 Churches in 52 Weeks) getting baptized, its like a You Tube Mormon revivial.
  • @kraigboyd721
    "Be humble like a little child" - best Temple Endowment preparation advice I have ever heard! Thank you Brother David!
  • @bonniesimone
    David, I’m 74 years old. There were no temple preparation classes before I went through the temple. It was a very different experience for me, but I looked around me and saw my fiancé and many other people that I loved and saw that this was very significant to them. I had faith that I would come to understand it better. I read that President McKay said that he still learned something new at the temple at age 90. Most importantly, I felt the spirit there. Now, I’m a temple worker and it is my place of peace. I love helping others perform ordinances for those who have passed on.
  • @Vetionarian
    Pondering on the temple ordinances is a lifelong pursuit brother David. We're all united in that.
  • @aaronaustin7699
    It's challenging for some, but President Nelson gave this advice. "If you don’t yet love to attend the temple, go more often—not less." Trust that by being there often you will come to love it more and more.
  • Yup, it's like drinking from a fire hose! But just keep going and praying for the revelation Heavenly Father knows you need. He will teach you line upon line. It's wonderful and beautiful!
  • @johnbushman57
    Congratulations, David. I've eagerly awaited you getting your endowment. If you didn't find it challenging, I would think something is wrong with you. I received mine 48 years ago and I still learn new things about the true house of the Lord and what happens there. It is a Celestial University where you learn about you and your progression and about learning more about the true nature of God and His plan for us all. You don't graduate after the introductory class. Enjoy the journey!
  • Good morning David ... I'm now the Temple Preparation teacher in my Ward and just started teaching 6 individuals who are preparing to go to the temple for the very first time (Not counting doing baptisms for the dead), and your counsel of going to the temple with the humility of a little child ready to be led step by step" will now be a mainstay of truth in my lessons. Thank you so much for your faith and humility David. I love being taught by the spirit through your words of faith and humility. God bless you.
  • @GoAlamo
    Dear Brother David, I’m a convert from evangelical Christianity, too. I loved the LDS church from the first minute. The Endowment l eft me confused. I tend to overthink things instead of keep child like faith. I always feel the Spirit in the Temple and He tells me this is true. So I pray for faith and understanding where I lack and go where He leads. Your faith journey has been so wonderful to watch. You have a great way of communicating your knowledge base with love and compassion to all. Thank you so much for sharing.
  • @beau4307
    Brother David, I came back to the church after leaving for 16 years. I love my time away from the world as I enter the temple and am so glad to be back. One little treasure that has unfolded to me, as I serve my family members that are on the other side of the veil, they in turn serve me. As well, we begin to see and understand that when we’re ready. Tune out everything and ask the Lord to open your eyes and prepare you to fully understand the purpose of the temple…. If you do, you’ll begin to see when the timing is right. Until then, enjoy the journey and don’t stop leaving your witness to the world.
  • @KSharp86
    🙌🤩🥰OH, DAVID🥰🤩🙌 🤣😳😂I have NEVER seen you so confused😂😳😂 I have watched you since day one. Keep going to the temple. Go everyday if you can. I was not active for years, came back and went to the temple at 30. I cried and cried!!! I had seen the depth of HELL living a heathen life in Las Vegas(as you may imagine) Here I was…experiencing pure LOVE. I felt home. I wanted to make a bed and move in. All I can say is … keep going. Experience it all. I want everyone to be there with us!
  • God will test your faith but give it a few visits and It will become the greatest conduit you know for personal revelation. I was a veil worker and baptizer in the 1980s. It was the best time of my life. Way to go David!
  • @sfenndds
    Elder John Widstoe once taught that "We live in a world of symbols. No man or woman can come of of the temple endowed as he should be, unless he has seen, beyond the symbol, the mighty realities for which the symbols stand." Now further enlightenment can begin, and it will continue till the end. The temple is the Lord's university of higher learning. Enjoy the journey, good brother.
  • @quinnwoody6023
    Brother David, I have been attending the temple for 34 years after my conversion at age 18 (if you’re good at math, that will give my age away 😂) and it has just been in the past few years that I have really grasped the profound nature of the temple. You are now one of the Lords anointed! You are of a Royal Priesthood! You are numbered amongst the stalwart noble and great ones! Doesn’t get any better than this and the blessings in store for all of us that remain faithful. God bless you my brother, you are a good and faithful servant.
  • @cbg409
    I have been an ordinance worker for 2 years and 3 months. It has been one of the greatest blessings in my life! It is changing and refining me from the inside out. Go back to the Temple as often as you possibly can!
  • @bishdizzle67
    There are plenty of things to ponder and let set in. Take your time.
  • @zionmama150
    When I received my endowment, I struggled so much. I was worried I was raised in a cult! I never wanted to go back to the temple, and yet, wearing the garment I felt like a daughter of God for the 1st time in my life. But my father spoke with me and asked me to go once more and would never speak about it again or shame me if I chose to leave. He said, “Just go and see if you feel God’s love and the witness of the Holy Spirit”. I went and the Lord’s Spirit witnessed to me the goodness of the endowment that I truly did not understand. It has taken me years to realize the meaning of the symbolism in the endowment and now I have a better understanding of who Christ is and who I am. I have a LONG way to go to fully understand the whole thing. Had I realized that it was not literal but symbolic of our true endowment of our Calling and Election made sure, I might have had an easier time. Ordinances are teachers of how to come before God and be born again. That’s why we temple. That’s why we ordinance.
  • The truck driver from the West Bountiful picnic here. I'm so happy for you! Go back every chance you get. Last week I drove past 26 temples between Portland OR and San Diego CA.