Catholic Church will soon have its first Millennial saint

Published 2024-07-01

All Comments (21)
  • Doesn't get more millennial than that "Help me st Carlo, great collector of Pikachus and master of Halo"
  • @mikealext
    More blasphemy from a blasphemous institution.
  • @runplatypus
    According to the church Saints become mediators so we pray to them. So we have hundreds of mediators. But the bible says there is only one mediator. Timothy 2:5-6 New International Version (NIV)For there is one God and ONE MEDIATOR between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people.
  • I’m sorry… how does that make him a Saint? This is the problem with the church. Don’t address the real reasons people are turning from the faith, just make a gamer that past a saint, because he talked about the church to the people who followed his gaming? 🤦‍♀️ I mean no disrespect to the young man that past or his family. This is just…..
  • La Iglesia Catolica investiga muy a fondo sus beatos(ASI se les llama antes de ser investigados sus Milagros,y otras investigaciones)
  • @Glennn7
    "Religion Poisons Everything" - Christopher Hitchens
  • Aqui en Puerto Rico tenemos El primer beatos nuestra. Llevan años investigandolo,o sea su trabajo en la iglesia ,feligreses y. Mlagros ect.
  • Unbelievable ‼️‼️ But then again it’s the catholic church. What more can one expect from them . I have nothing good to say about this church.👵🏻👩‍🌾❣️
  • @mst3k751
    See? This is why I can't take any religion seriously. No stable-minded adult can get behind this nonsense.
  • @mattb8754
    I want to be a saint. How much do I have to pay?
  • @youngjody4082
    Yea someone will go to hell for this😂😂😂😂