To Make Anyone Like You, Do This

Published 2015-02-13
Sean Cooper of explains one thing that almost all likeable people do. You can follow these tips to become more magnetic to people, too.

All Comments (21)
  • @kokattakoka5577
    "People rarely remember what you sat or do but, they always remember how you made them feel" nice!! Thank you, you help me a lot
  • @shreyasmore8469
    Just listening to you Sean is therapeutic and soothing. It's so relieving to know that there's someone out there who actually cares. I really like the energy you radiate. It's one of genuineness, caring, and invisible support and encouragement. We're very lucky to have you!
  • @janicaleflore
    You are an excellent communicator. I like how you reference your own personal experiences. It makes you more creditable.
  • Guy, you're saving my life! Finally I found someone that understands exactly what I think! Thank you!!!!
  • @TF80s
    Just thinking about other people being mirrors and how they pick up on our social awkwardness and reflect it back or are repelled by it..I believe that to be true but why is it that I never pick up on or reflect the other persons confident vibes? I also know a lot of really negative people who are popular/liked.
  • @KobeFan12452
    After watching some of your videos i have to thank you because just by sitting down for an hour or so it has given me so much more confidence and now I feel more relaxed and that so much of what you talk about relates to me. I strive on getting better everyday and will most likely buy your ebook to help me even more with the social anxiety i have.
  • Hey sean, why have you been inactive for past 2 years? Really love your content. Reply if you still make content or at least I can be assured that I'll get this amazing content in future :)
  • @alexmga9303
    I really liked this video. I don't have social anxiety but there are some aspects of my life that can be improved and through these videos I learn a lot, so thanks a lot!
  • @snafutimes6883
    You made some points that I hadn’t heard from anyone else. I will listen again. Thank you
  • @moulee7448
    I really love the way you talk.. Warm and something just makes me want to listen to you ..thanks for the video☺
  • @poshko41
    This so accurately describes my battle with social anxiety. I definitely had the resentment/bitterness thing going on that you describe. I even felt out of place in a social anxiety group because of it! The other group members seemed to enjoy each others’ company even tho they were nervous and a little awkward; they just seemed relieved to actually have other people they were comfortable being with. I just wanted to find the quickest way out so I could be alone again. Lol! I have come.... a long way since those days... I think it takes longer for people with our variety of social anxiety, but it can be done - and it seriously does not take as long as you think. Don’t, don’t, don’t, avoid anymore people. Stop wasting time thinking you just want to be a hermit for the rest of your life like me. When you get over that bitterness and actually find yourself enjoying the company of others again, laughing with someone who shares your sense of humor, and dating girls, it’s like filling a gaping hole in your being. I don’t mean to sound all metaphysical, but that’s honestly how I’d describe it. Oh, and don’t live alone... Believe me... Every night after work I regularly threw pity parties for myself when I lived alone. Don’t do it! Getting a roommate and having another human to talk to helps tenfold without really having to do anything besides being around someone else; for me it felt like I was no longer in a life raft in the middle of the ocean by myself. I was really lucky to find an amazing roommate. You might have to do a little homework, but finding a decent person to share a living space with is not difficult anymore these days. Plus you can split all your bills. Okay, I’m rambling. Just had to get all that out. Just quit wasting time being miserable already. Trust me, there’s a better life to be had.
  • @carolinponi7691
    Wow, your videos are great. It's really easy and enjoyable to listen to you, keep it up! Thank you!!! :D
  • @linmin1136
    First think that comes to my mind seeing the title was "why would i want someone to like me, if they don't like me let it be" but its true that i want to make friends but can't coz of S.A.D. people view me negatively, whenever i started to know people for more than 3 mths i started to feel more uncomfortable. I can't survive like this. The only person I'm comfortable are my mom n little sis and btw I'm old and thinking about it make me more anxious.
  • @kitesalet
    I turned 19 three months ago, and i`ve kinda had SA all my life. While i always managed to get a good ammount of friends, and always had someone to speak to, my friendships tend not to last more than a few years, months in most cases. I kind of have a good ability to make people like me at first, but after some time i kind of stop trying, or i think they stop liking me for whatever reason, and i start closing myself and dont want to hang with them anymore. It happened lots and lots of times, i lost many many friendships because of that, it`s like i  only have temporary friends or a temporary group of friends and then have to search another one. Got any tip for that? Also, bought your book some weeks ago, read it, and it was almost an overnight knowledge i needed to know, it was unbelievably amazing how it could help me and how it did. I still have to use more of the tips you gave us, but the book is pretty solid and not too long, and that makes it amazing. Also, i dont know if im depressed or not, but most of the time i go out with people because i think i need to, but not because i want to. I really dont want to talk to people or go out with people, i do but i dont really enjoy that much in my mind. on the exterior, its another thing, seems like im having the time of my life. Any advice, again? Thank you for everything sean! 
  • Sean, you are spot on that projecting warm, positive energy is the thing to work on to be liked. It does not need to be epic or overdone...just sincere. Find your own style of doing it. Great advice, too, to stop thinking and projecting that PEOPLE SUCK. Nobody wants to hear that. When you feel that way, bury it. Even if it's true n a given situation, what is to be gained by declaring it? I am a shy person who had to learn how to manage people as a producer and conductor. Over time I have learned that people are people, all with good and bad aspects to their personalities. As you suggested, getting to know even the most offensive of them let's you see a human side YOU can relate to all the best to you, Sean, and to your subscribers, as well.
  • perhaps shy people tend to say they hate small talk because theyre so anxiously fixated on what theyre saying they dont understand the non verbal value of a casual chat. may be wrong abt that but you know, id like to actually enjoy small talk cause its alot less difficult than constantly seeking deep conversation.