Watch Kamala Harris' journey from Berkeley to be 1st Black, Asian woman elected to vice presidency

Published 2024-07-19

All Comments (15)
  • So, sheā€™s Asian now? Father is Jamaican, mother is Indian. Where does the Asian part come in? I mean, you can barely pass as AA.
  • @johnf8877
    She spent most of her childhood in Canadaā€¦..šŸ˜¢
  • @gwae48
    she's Black ? In what Universe???šŸ˜®
  • @BoogLaville
    She's a shill for the prison industrial complex, she was touted as a "reformer," and she was to a certain extent(credit where it's due). But she also had a pretty nasty habit of keeping wrongfully convicted people in jail on technicalities. She's made her career selling herself as the reasonable and reform thinking prosecutor, but in reality she continued to prop up the prison industry. She may not have jailed non-violent crimes, instead she tied people into the "criminal justice" system for years beyond reason. She's a run of the mill NeoLib who will hitch herself to whoever she believes is the easiest path to power (not uncommon in politics, but speaks to her actual character). Taken from Reddit, I feel they hit the nail on the head.
  • @Windy-t3e
    Lā€™atmosphĆØre de respect et de camaraderie ici est rĆ©confortante et favorise un sentiment dā€™appartenance.šŸ˜›