From Chaos to Clarity: The Zen Way To Enlightenment

Published 2023-07-22
The word Zen comes from the Sanskrit term dhyana, which means meditation
. Zen Buddhism emphasises direct experience and intuitive understanding rather than relying solely on scripture or intellectual knowledge. Its practitioners seek to awaken to the true nature of reality through meditation and mindfulness.

Zen teachings often employ paradoxical language and methods to challenge conceptual thinking and invite direct insight into the nature of existence. Zen made significant inroads into Western consciousness in the late 19th and early 20th century, largely due to the work of D.T. Suzuki (1870-1966), a Japanese author and translator. c Suzuki's writings on Zen Buddhism, as well as his translations of crucial c Zen texts, had a profound influence on Western intellectuals and artists. During the mid-20th century, there was an increasing number of Zen teachers arriving in the West from Japan and Korea, contributing to Zen's spread by establishing communities and meditation centres
. This period also witnessed a surge of interest in Eastern philosophy and spirituality, partly because of countercultural movements such as the Beat Generation. Zen Buddhism's influences can be seen across many facets of Western culture, from psychology and mindfulness practices to arts and literature.
But … What is Zen? How is it practised? cAnd, what exactly is the enlightened state that it is said that it leads to?

#zen #buddhism

Script: Matt Mackane

Voiceover: Andrea Giordani

Edit: Vaibhav

Original Score: Epidemic music & Original score

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All Comments (21)
  • @Nooneself
    I've practiced zen for 48 years from a neuroscience perspective. To understand the ripples in the pool, they are thoughts, emotions, desires, pain, etc. The true you... is what observes the ripples on the pond. Express more are not your thoughts (ripples). Best Wishes 🙏
  • @SagaOfStoics
    Zen and Stoicism both seek inner peace and acceptance of life's impermanence. I love both philosophies. "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters." - Epictetus
  • This is really good. Decluttering my mind. Accepting that control is an illusion & realizing everything is out of control. I had a laugh at myself. 🙏
  • @Lexthebarbarian
    Zen is my way in life. The deepest appreciation of life. My best friend is an old oak tree by a medieval church where I sit in lotus under its strong branches and beautiful leaves with its safe trunk as a back support. The sound of leaves rustling in the wind is my music. My own Bodhgaya Bodhi Tree. When I sit there I think; "I was born for this. This is the meaning of life". I also live the minimalist lifestyle. I own few things. Zen is my everything. Many videos like this exist, but this one was really good. Beautiful and nice pictures. Zen is simple, profound and poetic. But discipline is required. Zen is not for everyone.
  • @shoonyah
    Human beings are amazing..even ZEN has so many ways to many schools for 1 state of being.
  • @dikshaanand9191
    I really love this narrator's voice! Is it possible for this channel to consider keeping her as the Default narrator for all videos? Her voice accurately depicts the mysterious and bewitching content this channel has.
  • @the1tigglet
    Keeping a beginners mind is like returning to your childhood in a way because as a child your mind was able to see things that adults cannot. Always having to return to enlightenment through the act of meditation, is like rebirth, because these bodies are so distracting, we much keep ourselves in practice to return to enlightenment each day.
  • As someone who’s been practicing Buddhism for 3 years I stumbled upon this Chanel and it’s taught me so much. Thank you.
  • @_ClearConscious
    “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” – T.S. Eliot❤
  • @bernie4268
    I wish someone had told me that as a child. It was the thought that I needed to find freedom.
  • @stefanschleps8758
    The Zen Teachings of Huang Po has provided me with guidance along the Way. At-One-Ment. Being, Consciousness, Bliss. For the westerner try Instant Zen. Good luck.
  • @kaiyojimbo8814
    One of the shrine rooms shown was a temple I spent many evenings in doing meditation. A small temple not far from the Mekong in a small town. Was surprised and overjoyed to see it. Thank you.
  • Stunning vid with awesome content. Very well researched and beautifully narrated; a Zen rendition in itself. Thank you very much from South Africa. Meditation is my way of life.