Every Python dev falls for this (name mangling)

Published 2022-12-05
Don't fall for it!

The Zen of Python must not have been invented yet because this feature is confusing, not obvious, implicit, and much more. Private name mangling in Python converts variable usages like __var into _ClassName__var at compile time and there's no warning it's happening until you run into the trap.

― mCoding with James Murphy (mcoding.io/)

Source code: github.com/mCodingLLC/VideosSampleCode
Python docs: docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html?highlight=…
CPython mangle: github.com/python/cpython/blob/ab02262cd0385a2fb5e…

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0:00 Unexpected output
2:31 Private name mangling
4:23 Python does not have private variables
4:54 Mangling rules
6:51 Mangling at compile time
8:28 Compiler explorer
10:18 getattr and setattr
10:55 To mangle or not to mangle?
13:53 Thank

All Comments (21)
  • Wow. I knew about name-mangling, but it's even worse than I expected. Maybe it has valid uses, but it definitely feels like a half-assed implementation of private variables that opens up far more traps than it solves.
  • You make top tier videos showcasing advanced Python topics. There is just too much beginner videos lying around. Therefore I'm glad to feel challenged by watching your videos
  • @NubPaws
    I remember learning about name mangling in my Intro to OOP class and we all just wished that we didn't have a question about that on the test. It's something that our lecturer told us to try and avoid and just use the convention of "underscore at the start means private - do not touch". Anyways, another informative and entertaining video from you :D
  • @kmor8829
    I finally understand why they chose ‘Python’ for the name of the language! It wraps itself around your brain and squeezes all the sense out of you! :)
  • @davefancella
    I stopped at 1 minute. This name mangling bit is there to provide private variables. Python doesn't strictly enforce private variables, but I use a convention where one underscore means it's internal and you shouldn't use it, but it's readily available just in case. But seriously, I'm a Python developer who's never had this issue.
  • @TomsonTheOne
    I was aware of the initial quirks, but didn't expect it to have so many implications. Thanks for this video; you saved future me a bunch of time.
  • @ProfMonkeys
    I have definitely encountered this issue before and I am blown away by how much more complicated and weird the behavior is than I realized. My general approach has been to just avoid using the "feature".
  • @benj6964
    This is one of the many reasons why I tend to avoid OOP at all reasonable cost
  • @trag1czny
    great vid as always, was fun to watch with the editing 🤩 also loved the Star Wars references
  • I have avoided these headaches by never using double underscore prefixes.. Im likely to keep that habit.. I get the sense that as Python blew up, it’s gotten pressure to have features of other lower level languages.. static typing and private/public attributes. But b/c those were afterthoughts and the solutions were retrofits, we get these wonky implementations.
  • @thespam8385
    I love that for every rule you introduce, you sound increasingly embarrassed that they exist
  • @Bentroen_
    I knew about name-mangling, but I clicked on this video knowing I'd still learn something new. Had no clue about the mangling rules and was also happy you briefly showed the C code, which I was curious about!
  • @atrus3823
    Lately, due to many issues like these, I've been borrowing a lot of principles from functional, while still essentially using OO. For one, I try to make stuff immutable with named tuples or frozen dataclasses. Then I try to think of classes more in terms of types and its variables as defining its uniqueness. If something changes, it's a different instance of that type, so no counters. I've found that most of the time, moving counters out of classes makes for more readable, flexible, and loosely coupled code anyway. And if you learn how to leverage comprehensions, map, any, all, sum, itertools, etc., you often don't need counters. For things like widgets, use the ol' "composition over inheritance" mantra. You don't worry about stepping on any component's toes if you have to access them by their instance name anyway.
  • I've been writing python since 2010, and consider myself a bit of a python expert. I've used name mangling in production... a whopping zero times. I've seen it in libraries only a handful of times. I've used it while messing around and found it kind of useless as long as you follow good hygiene. The answer to the question "how to avoid clobbering implementation details" is indeed look at the source code. Python is so heavily dynamic that if you feel the need to use _underscore attributes in a subclass, you really do need to know what the parent class is doing.
  • @tuanazzam4995
    The funny thing is I fell for that in the worst place possible. In my interview.
  • @alerighi
    Or an even better solution: do not use inheritance from classes that are not interfaces (and thus don't have private fields) at all, and instead use composition, that is better in many ways. Avoid the problem completely basically.
  • @Rizhiy13
    Always thought: no underscore == public; single underscore == protected; double underscore == private. Don't see what the problem is. Also, can be thought as: no underscore == stable; single underscore == internal, can be changed at any time; double underscore == don't touch me. In my ten years programming in python name mangling has never been a problem.
  • @POINTS2
    I have heard that the single underscore is preferred because you don't know how your classes are going to be used. Using double underscores ("private" variables) makes classes that have them unfriendly.