NANDISH DRAWING INDIA MAP 2020-03-08 (Part 2/2)

Published 2020-03-07
Today, Sunday, 8 March 2020, Nandish (finishing 7th grade), stopped by.

He is the nephew of the farm caretaker who is also my neighbor on the farm.

I had met Nandish about a month ago and chatted briefly with him. I told him to stop by whenever he wanted and if he needed any help understanding any of his school subjects.
He occasionally visits the farm and helps his uncle with various tasks.

At my place this morning he looked around. He was immediately drawn to the illuminated globe (a gift to TIGS from my Montessorian aunt, Smt Vasantha Kumari). I told him to plug it in and switch it on. The globe lit up. He was totally fascinated by it.

Then started a game. I asked him to locate various countries. He explored and found them. When I asked him to identify China and he did, I asked him why China was in the news lately. Immediate answer: corona virus! He also told me that his school had taught him how to wash hands properly; this he demonstrated at the kitchen sink a few minutes later!
From just nations on the globe we moved on to also identifying capitals. He studies in a Kannada medium school but sufficiently conversant with English to also work with that. In just one step he observed that national capitals were shown with a star on the globe.

He wanted to show me that he can draw a map of India. Before he began, he issued a disclaimer that he is not good at it. It turned out be better than anything I could do!

Then, I remembered I had some spare copies of atlases that we had bought for IGYS-2019. So, I gave him one to keep. He immediately delved into it, found a map of Mysuru district, and located his native village. This took him all of 3 minutes.
Do you think we have a potential TIGS geographer here? 

And a big thank you to all of you for your ongoing support for TIGS.

I share this with the hope that you will be able to see the power of geography, the TIGS way ... and take pride in what you are such an integral part of!

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