Crystal Clear Bread

Published 2020-02-24
Inspired post of Chef Albert Adria from Barcelona and featured in instagram page , Crystal bread Challenge ,
Here is my take on #crystalbreadchallenge ,
Finedining style of crystal bread .And happy and proud that i accept this challange with many top chefs .

Heart shape Crystal bread Dip of garlic dil labneh,And chilli mayo .

This is complete cooked mass of Starch and Baked in high temp about 90 mins or more .and once it baked its looks like dry cooked starch..... clear and hollow inside .
Taste is outside crispy and later its chewy bland taste .For me almost dry wheat sevai Batter which we makes in summer ,after cooked ,and steamed taste .😀😀😀

I just tried this bcz i acccept this challenge and with my ingredients .And if mine was selected then may be the chance of Dinner for couple in Barcelona very famous gastronomy Restaurant #Enigmarestaurant 😂😂😂😂🤞🤞🤞

And my #1sttry
And original recipe of Gastronomy Chef Albert Adria's ,Recipe .But ingredient not availble ,So i made it in my way .And technique fully used original recipe .

where i stay in 🇴🇲Oman ,Gronda .eu app not availble .And for the recipe i checked in You tube .Recipe is with Kuzu ' Japanese root powder and Potato starch .But which i dont get here in my Country .And today i tried this with Indian kuve Root powder starch which very much known and very rarely availble now a days in my native Mangalore ,we called as Kuve Starch .Un processed Root powder in granule form . Almost similar to Kuzu starch .Which we making sweet out of this starch , in my native South India ,Karnatak .

Crystal Bread ( by sarita bhat )
Indian Kuve powder / Japanese Kuzu ..20 gm
Potato Starch 20gm
Water 600 ml
Salt 1/2 tsp…

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