Yes, there is EVIDENCE that ANGELS are REAL! Suzanne Giesemann delivers awesome proof.

Published 2023-10-08
I want EVIDENCE of the higher realms, being a former left-brained U.S. Navy Commander! When I tell you that angels are real, it had better be backed up with verifiable information and explanations that leave no doubt in your mind.

So, what is this evidence? Join me for the Messages of Hope Podcast on Sunday, October 8, to hear it first-hand! You'll hear some incredible "NOE" (no other explanation) stories about angels, experience me channel my guides in spirit, Sanaya, to answer your questions about angels, and you can take part in an exercise to reach out to the angels.

Here are some of the questions that have been submitted:
* What is an angel?
* Do angels really have wings?
* Can all angels provide healing?
* Are all of us assigned an angel?
* Do angels help us at the moment of death?

This will be a fascinating hour! Mark your calendar and join us.

Be sure to be part of the experience by adding your questions about angels to the comments.

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#suzannegiesemann #messagesofhope #angels #consciousness #afterlife #awakening #mediumship #hope #channeling #grief #spirituality #spiritual

All Comments (21)
  • I had a divine interaction with an Angel once when I had a car problem on a deserted, remote road in New Mexico. All I could do in that situation was pray to God and ask for someone to come who would have a crow bar and wire. I had backed my car out of a dirt lot and the left rear tire hit a pothole, causing the muffler/ tailpipe to pop out of the bracket become bent under the left rear tire. I couldn’t drive forward or back, and lacked the strength to pull the pipe out myself. It was Easter morning just outside Taos. I looked up and down the road and could see for miles in both directions and couldn’t see another car or truck for help. I was too far away to walk for help. When I turned around to get in my car and wait, a man in a truck to my left, which had not been there two minutes before and I had not heard or seen him drive up, he got out of the truck and in his left hand he had a pry bar and in his right, some wire. Without a word he bent down with the bar and pried the tailpipe out from under the tire. Then he took wire and attached the tailpipe to the frame of the car. All this time he never said a word. I was in awe but I thanked him, he got in his truck and drove down the road. I got in my car and turned to watch him drive away, but his truck had disappeared into thin air. I burst into tears of joy and gave thanks to God and to the Angel who had helped me. 45 years later I remember it like it was yesterday. Angels do exist! 🙏❤️
  • I was nervous about my upcoming surgical procedure 3 days ago. It was about 3 am the morning of. As I laid in my bed trying to calm my nerves, I heard a voice say my name and then say, “Everything is going to be okay. You’re going to be fine so don’t worry.” I smiles and said a humble, “Thank you. I needed to hear that.” I felt such a measure of peace come over me. I am recovering now and everything was indeed fine.
  • One angel story happened when I lost control of the van I was driving on a wet road. My two daughters were with me. My 15 year old in the front seat, my 11 year old in the back. I was the only one wearing a seat belt which was strange because they always buckled up. We slid off the side of the road into a ditch and bounced/rolled over 2 and a quarter times leaving us on the only side door of that old van. I remember feeling an unnatural peace while the van was rolling, even thinking, so this is what it feels like to roll a car. The glass was broken out of the sliding side door, and my oldest was sitting on the glass, my youngest was standing on it. If we had rolled again they would've been thrown from the van. We walked away with only a few bruises and scratches but no serious injury. Later that night when we were home and talking about the accident, my youngest daughter said, "thank you for holding my hand during the accident, Mama." I told her that I had not held her hand because I had a white knuckle grip on the steering wheel. My other daughter said she hadn't held her hand either. She said, "I heard, hold my hand, and so I did." In an instant I knew it was her guardian angel! I also firmly believe that there were multiple angels cushioning my girls in every direction as they bounced around the inside of that van. This experience confirmed to me the protection of angels that I have always known was there. What love! I am humbled.
  • @eaglepoint7084
    An angel spoke to me audibly to tell me to transfer my daughter to another hospital. She was dying where she was, and the new hospital saved her life. Also, another time, I was in the process of rolling over in my car when angels picked up the car, set it straight against all laws of thermodynamics, set it down gently, and I continued down the road.
  • @juliaknight2548
    I believe in Angels. ❤ On Sept 27th my father (82 yrs old) flew back home to Illinois after a visit with us. Returning to O’Hare and having to catch a bus from there, I’m told, is very difficult. Dad refused to allow us to arrange for assistance. After I said goodbye to him at the airport, I prayed and asked the Angels to be with him, to guide him and keep him safe. When I spoke with my Dad that night, he was home, safe and sound. He said, “You were right! It was a mess and I couldn’t figure out what to do when I was at the airport. A flight attendant approached me, and offered to help.” Her name was Charlotte, when dad told her he needed to get to the bus terminal, she said she was headed that way too. She walked with him (my father walks very slowly), she ran ahead to catch the bus driver and ask him to wait, she made sure dad was on the bus safely, and when he turned to thank her a second time, she was nowhere in sight. Thank you from my heart dear Charlotte, Thank you from my heart sweet Angels. ❤️
  • @jvsaints3028
    My experience with angels came through when asking a question to a well respected medium. When I was 18, I had been a passenger on a motorcycle and had been hit by a truck while on the highway. I was injured but no way as serious as it should have been. I asked if God had intervened to help me. The medium chuckled and said I had two archangels, Michael and a Z name, help me survive. This accident was 53 years ago. You better believe it when I say I believe in angels.
  • I believe I interacted with an angel. One day I was out on my mobility scooter, making my way to the supermarket to buy some groceries. As I was riding on the pavement beside a main road, I noticed a gentleman heading in my direction. I kept looking towards this gentleman who looked to be in his 60's and was dressed particularly smart. He was wearing a hat and carrying an umbrella. For some reason I was thinking he didn't look as if he belonged here, I had no idea why I was thinking this way but he looked out of place. I had to turn to my left before he reached me, to cross at the pedestrian crossing and as I waited at the pavement edge for the lights to change, I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder. The gentleman had purposely made a bee-line straight for me and said "it's very windy today isn't it?" to which I replied "yes it is" with a smile. He then said "well, you mind how you go and take care of yourself". I thanked him and said goodbye as the lights changed and I carried on across the road. When I got to the other side I wanted to look back around but couldn't as I was unable to due to my condition but something deep inside me told me I had just been touched by an angel. I was dumbstruck. The whole episode just felt so weird yet so wonderful and definitely out of the ordinary. I felt so happy all day long and I've never forgotten it. Was. I really touched by an angel? Who knows but my heart told me so.
  • @Onecent703
    Thank you so much for spreading messages of hope. About 40 years ago I decided to leave this world by driving off the Tonto National Bridge at 100mph but as I was approaching the curve I felt a force come into my car and steer me around and around and in a split second I was off the road and my car was sitting a few feet from where I planned to go. I was so angry that I stepped in the gas to finish driving off the mountain but the engine just roared. I had angels stop by to help me and as the tow truck was pulling my car off the mountain I told the tow truck driver that I stepped in the gas but my car would not move. He gave a quick laugh and said that car wasn’t going anywhere because the drive shaft fell out when I had been bouncing over the boulders. I had other miracles that night. And the name of the make of my car was a white car called The Spirit made by American Motors. Ever since that time…….I switched to believing in angels and I decided to change to finding my higher purpose and to be of service. Angels are always helping us all🙏❤️
  • @roshughes802
    Thank you Suzanne. I would like to share that, I was staying with a friend and desperately needed a home for my 3 children and me. I prayed every day for the angles to help me find one. Eventually I was offered a small house in 'Angel Close' 12 years on I'm still here, and have had some of the happiest years ❤️😊
  • @drshaunna
    Thank you.❤🙏❤️🦋I am that woman whose son had passed and I had just asked if “angels are real”, I could use your help. (I know my son is still here because I am blessed to have undeniable signs daily. However, I still miss his physical presence and that is what I was calling on angels for.) Within 20 minutes of my plea, I opened up my Facebook, and the first thing I saw was Suzanne’s post about this podcast. 😮🥰 Thank you and I received the love and knowing. I feel great today.!! Preparing our 🇨🇦Thanksgiving dinner for our family. Listening to this as I make cranberry sauce. 🥰❤️
  • @jackierubio8248
    When I was grieving the loss of my son I mean really grieving my body racking in crying and howling . I never believed in angels, but I could feel them fluttering all around my face, especially my eyes and my cheeks. Its the only way I made it through those early dark dark days . I'm so grateful 🙏
  • @Canchuch-ov1jg
    Suzanne… thank you for all that you and your team does! Just want to share that Archangel Michael is truly powerful. A few months ago, my family was going through a difficult time and my husband and daughter were not speaking. After a week of sadness and negative energy in my home, I asked St. Michael for help. I have never asked before. My heart was so heavy and I was balling as I prayed next to my husband who was sleeping. The very next day we had a gathering. When everyone left, it was just my immediate family. Somehow my husband and daughter started talking and hashed out their differences, and apologized to each other. When I knew that they were working it out, I quietly left them and went to find my phone. It was 11:11 pm!! I just asked in my thoughts… St. Michael, was that you?? I immediately got chills from head to toe and felt so much warmth in my heart. I knew in that instant it was him.
  • @Butterfly-jk4tz
    Years ago, I set the intention to see an angel if they exist to show me. That very night, I awoke to see an incredible big ball of white golden light floating in the air next to me. The feeling of love and acceptance flowed through me was so intense and like nothing I’d ever felt in my life was amazing. In less than 10 seconds, it was gone. Its strange though that I felt I knew this light and it knew the very core of me. ❤
  • @lesliedyanne4181
    There is no doubt in my mind or heart that there are Angels. They are with me constantly and help me all day, every day!
  • @susanavny8586
    Yes, I believe in Angels. I was in a car accident on Christmas Day, driving home from the Oregon coast with my parents. I was in the back seat with a seat belt. My mother was driving and my father was in the front passenger seat. Neither was wearing a seat belt. Unfortunately, we hit black ice and the car was swerving all over the road as my mother lost control. As the car was swerving, I somehow got directions to bend over and put my hands on the floor of the car. I mentally asked the question "Am I going to die?" I heard a calm answer in my head, "No." I walked away from that accident with a broken finger nail that happened as a result of me having to push a door up and open as our vehicle ended up on its side. My parents were bruised and bleeding, but nothing that required more than an overnight stay in the hospital for observation. The car was totaled.
  • Hi Suzanne! I had to share! First thank you for this video and all of your work that you do for this community! I LOVE my daily message. Yesterday I watched this video and in the part in which we asked for proof that our angels were with us, I was shown that it was going to be revealed to me at a lake that I visit daily in the form of bird/birds. I recently moved to this area and go to this lake almost daily since moving. I have never seen more than one swan, and I have only seen it twice. I clearly heard that this was going to be different. So I have an hour for lunch and I decided to walk to the lake, knowing that I could only sit maybe 2 minutes...I walk up to the bench and sit, take a deep breath, and close my eyes. I immediately hear a number of birds!! I open my eyes and there is 5 ducks flying in the water and land almost perfectly side by side! This happens in less than 2 minutes of sitting. I send thanks immediately to my angels and guides...and received confirmation that they are not only with me but I am so very loved!!! Thank you, Suzanne! I did need that confirmation!❤❤❤
  • YES, I believe in angels. The first encounter of being strongly guided happened when I was 18. My car would not start as we all left work and jumped in our cars to head home for the holidays , after a Christmas Party at work. Everyone had jumped in their cars and left except for the Production Manager at the company who came out from the building that was located by the river in a remote location, quite a distance from my home. When he noticed my car was not starting he suggested that he give me a ride home. He advised me to get my fiance and the owner of the car, to come back and deal with the issues with the car. That made sense to me, and I, up until that time, had no reason not to trust this man. This was not the case and rather than slow down as I asked him to do, as we were getting nearer to my home, he just kept driving and started saying we needed to take some time to get to know one another better. He just keot driving despite my protest and request to turn around and take me home. He eventually parked and proceeded with his advances. It was then that I felt a presence and was being guided to take my high heel shoes off and get out of the car and run. There was so much of that night I will not share and much that was not even clear to me, other than the presence that guided me and protected me and hss continued to do so throughtout my life. That event definitely was the catalyst that put me on my soul's path of continual awakening into the higher states of consciousness that I am constantly being called to align with and live in harmony with that does create such a state of grace, especially in these heightened times of awakening now that are challenging us all individually and collectively. I loved your book about Wolf Suzanne and look forward to your book being published by Hay House. I went to San Diego in 2014 with a desire to learn, once and for all, how to heal my own life and then pay it forward the way Louise Hsy has done with the legacy she has left. Hay House is my family that I have been devoted to for decades. Every author and every presentor at every I Can Do It event I attended just keot throwing me a life line on this path of healing the heart and soul in the age of the brain. HAY HOUSE continues to offer a treasure of resources to lift us all up where we belong and to remind us we were all born to stay connected to source and we are created to tap into and follow the divine guidance, love and grace that is omnipotent, omnipresence just waiting for us to be awake and aware that we have never been alone. Deepest love, appreciation, and gratitude to you and your physical and non-physical team. Thank you, Suzanne, for being such a courageous voice for spirit and a bright light and shining star in continuing to offeri divine guidance , wisdom, love and grace on the way of awakening with your messages of hope. LOVE & BLESSINGS ALWAYS AND IN ALL WAYS ❣️🥰💖💝💜💝🤗🙏
  • Yes!! Twice in my life I was so clearly guided by my angel the first time was when I was driving to my in laws, having been in US only two weeks prior, almost 40 years ago, is a long story, When I got to their place in a wooded area of Woodinville, WA with no GPS or any prior knowledge of the area, I sat there and cried, because I had driven almost 40 miles, and didn’t know how I got there,
  • I have always known that I am never alone. The biggest prove was when my daughter was in a near fatal snow mobile accident. When I entered the ICU room, a beautiful warm presence surrounded me my sons and my daughter.. A feeling of love, comfort and peace filled me letting me know all will be for her highest and best good. I later realized my late husband, mom, dad, sister and many other loved ones held us close in a circle of love then , now and forever. So it is. I now surround anyone in need with a loving, healing, peaceful light .for the highest and best outcome. Thank you for asking
  • @saralina1018
    Suzanne, I just wanted to take this moment to thank your soul for the work you're doing here on earth. I have been going through a spiritual awakening lately, and I find myself tuning into your channel a lot for the guidance/direction I need at this point in my life. So, thank you for the work you're doing with your angels ❤️🐺🌈✨️