1 Hour Powerful Latin Exorcism / Deliverance Prayers Against Evil with 444 Gregorian organ

Published 2024-02-11
5 Powerful Latin Prayers Against Evil Spirits : Catholic Prayers for Protection Against Temptation & Other Manifestations of Demons, including the
Sign of the Cross ( Signum Crucis ),
St. Michael Prayer ( Oratio ad Sanctum Michael ): St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray. And do thou, O prince of the Heavenly host, by the divine power, thrust down into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Rise up, O Lord, Lion of the Tribe of Judah ( Surge Domine, Leo de Tribu Juda ),
St. Benedict Medal Exorcism Prayer ( Vade retro Satana ), &
Hail Mary ( Ave Maria ).
The Solemn Salve Regina Gregorian Chant melody is played in the background tuned to roughly 444 (the traditional Gregorian Chant tuning).
Suggested use: Get in a state of grace through repentance and Sacramental Confession, then use these prayers to make your home & body an inhospitable place for unclean spirits. If still having diablolical obsession or if anyone involved is possessed, call your local exorcist!
God bless et oremus pro invicem.

All Comments (21)
  • @alextapia2107
    . 🙏Thank you🙏 🕊So peaceful to listen to it🕊 🔥 ❤️
  • @hharuka9804
    The more I pray, the more the attacks from the enemy and temptations increase...Lord help me. Mother Mary cover me. St. Michael defend the enemy. Amen.
  • @homer30
    Play this in your home everyday. I play it in low volume when I go to sleep. Of course pray the Rosary as well. Go to church every sunday and receive the Eucharist. Join a charismatic movement. Then Satan is powerless over you.
  • @thebunny9388
    Before I decided to watch this I felt like I was being attacked or afflicted with something and prayed to be rid of it.... I felt that it had left me... however mere moments later... My mother in law became irrationally hostile twaords everyone in the house out of nowhere. screaming and accusing me of breaking something of hers I've never even seen when in reality she broke her own belonging. Threatening me and attacking everyone in the house over this object.. that she herself broke. It was very much like she was being afflicted with something she had no rationality and was screaming. It was sad... I noticed her skin was oddly pale and there was like a dark stale smelling air around her. When she left to the other room I locked the door and put this on.... she lowered her voice and was even laughing with the rest of the family... then she went to bed much earlier than normal and the very next day she cleaned for the first time in months... she acted as if nothing happened. I guess in hindsight if you're going to pray to rid yourself of demons you should open a window or something....
  • @dianaleal5183
    When I hear this payers I smell a sweet scent I the air. Oh Father save us from all evil. ✝️💫
  • Lord heal me, my family, especially my son Kevin. Deliver my family from all evil. Bring them back to you Jesus.
  • @AthensFarrell
    I feel such a lightness in my chest like it’s been flushed out. Don’t let the sin come back bc it will bring 7 other demons worse than it.
  • @ohwell2163
    Turned this on and Satan literally exploded works👍
  • Heavenly father please help me pray for deliverance from all evil for the entire world all animals pets children everyone needing healing in this area cover everyone in the powerful almighty prescious blood of Jesus Christ our savior so no weapon formed against anyone of existence shall prosper keeping everyone safe in Jesus name I pray amen ❤
  • @user-xu3oj4uj5c
  • I pray these prayers 70 × 70.0000 in the name of Jesus Amen
  • Please pray for the deliverance of my entire family and home! We are under constant assault, the more we pray. I know God is victorious and we will be released, in Jesus’s name!!!
  • @MaryReckard
    Remove ALL entities from my home, Life, dreams. You Jesus, your name Jesus, and Your Most Holy Precious Blood cover my whole being, home, Life, children, dreams, while I sleep. REMOVE ALL ENTITIES, spirit & body. I beg of the my King, Jesus. I love You. Amen
  • O I pray pray for the Lord's love and powerful strength in him. I seen the dark world the strangers the hate feeling loss sadness every second with nobody to help me I fought nonstop and still do I never stop I am not a quiter I love my Lord always Amen
  • I join my soul and physical self at the alter of these prayers for my deliverance. Amen. ❤
  • This prayers helps a lot,as no human beings can equal the protection from above I believe that my existence here on earth is limited and while I'm on my life's journey, 😭 I always remember that who knows if my life comes into halt and Im being called by my creator? 😢Live everyday and always prepared if tomorrow never comes, I'm not wasting time to do what ever is to know,love and serve God.
  • @fransiska2928
    Lord Jesus Christ, All the angels and in heaven protect my family from the enemy who doesn't want my family success.
  • @maria-fk4uy
    Every financial evil leave my family my children and grandchildren and myself now. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen 🙏🏽
  • Lord Jesus delivered as from evil spirits all my families and our house amem