◊ Everyday ◊ COMPLETED MAP ◊

Published 2016-04-08
And thanks to our wonderful animators!~
1. @Duckgirl8
2. @Alprai
3. @Luna_Snaketail
4. @Wingless-
5. @_Bone_The_Furious_
6. @_Bone_The_Furious_
7. @Silver-Breeze
8. @togegirl
9. @marscapone
10. @winterstormwolf
11. @ultimate_cat_lover
12. @-Ravindra-
13. @Wavestar101
14. @ultimate_cat_lover
15. @FrostFoot
16. @BLUExW4LL
17. @moonlight12306
18. @_arrow
19. @-nightfur-
20. @friend-request (previously @xXSkydaBearXx)
21. @Moonstrike
22. @hawkstar785
23. @-Ravindra-

Additional Credits:
Music ◊ Everyday - Bo En
Thumbnail ◊ @Duckgirl8
(I coded all the parts together, but the animators coded their bits ^u^)