Evil ScratchCat • EP 3 | #Animations #All

Published 2023-12-26

❤️ And ⭐️ if you enjoyed and want episode 4

Btw you should probably watch EP 1 and EP 2 before watching this:

#1 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/924327709/
#2 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/928064841/

This is also Inspired by the Animation Serie
Ohio’s Fate by @Mar_KRLS

Heart and Fav or else Evil Scratchcat will find u lol

Music when evil scratchcat shows up is made by HandfulJake on YouTube

Episode 3:

A new type of ScratchCat apeared: Blue ScratchCat.
This guy can fly (dont ask how) and has even more abilities that it hasn't revealed yet. anyways he flies until he sees a destroyed city. then he hears something in the distance, and it's Evil ScratchCat. Evil ScratchCat shoots his laser, but BS (Blue ScratchCat) dodges and escapes. Then ES (Evil ScratchCat) teleports somewhere. Next you can see another type of ScratchCat, and its Yellow ScratchCat (short = CS).
His abilities are: stopping time.
Anyways, BS flies by him. Then CS sees ES and then he stops time, and escapes. However, when he stops time it can only last a limited time, like 5 seconds.
anyways, BS escapes ES. BS also found a weird cave. So he explored it, and finds the Uno Reverse Card, the most powerful thing in this universe.
Then he hears weird sounds, coming from the surface, which probably are Evil ScratchCats new abilities.

the episode ends there

(bro wrote a whole essay lol)

i hid an easter egg btw

#scratchcat #animations #evilscratchcat #all #stories #scratchcat #animations #evilscratchcat #all #stories
#scratchcat #animations #evilscratchcat #all #stories