Atheistic Satanism

Published 2023-11-13
I've gained another obsession

Been studying it, trying to understand it, and just Satanism in general. Atheistic Satanism has appealed to me the most.

Tried making my own little sigil of Baphomet. It's the official insignia of the Church of Satan and LaVeyan Satanism

LaVey's teachings promoted "indulgence", "vital existence", "undefiled wisdom", "kindness to those who deserve it", "responsibility to the responsible", and an "eye for an eye" code of ethics, while shunning "abstinence" based on guilt, "spirituality", "unconditional love", "pacifism", "equality", "herd mentality", and "scapegoating".

The core values of LaVeyan Satanism are the enjoyment of physical existence, and undiluted naturalism that sees mankind as animals that exist in an amoral universe.

The ideal Satanist should be individualistic and non-conformist. Encouraging an individual's pride, self-respect, and self-realization and accordingly believes in satisfying the ego's desires. self-indulgence is a desirable trait, and that hate, and aggression are not wrong or undesirable emotions but that they are necessary and advantageous for survival. the seven deadly sins are seen as virtues which are beneficial for the individual.
A free-spirited, well-armed, fully-conscious, self-disciplined individual, who will neither need nor tolerate any external entity 'protecting' them or telling them what they can and cannot do.

Thanks to (mostly) Wikipedia for the info