(done!) part 1 (pork soda)

hello I see there is a culture for posting wips in this map so I will also do that

slow going but the rest of the map part will be not as animated as this (obviously the Willow at the end is not what is going to end up in the final piece)

I really did calculate the exact number of frames I would need for each syllable of lipsync at 12FPS, then imported it into scratch and...well let's just say I had to do a bit more maths

Proper description now that I am done:

marital strife, 2023 colourized:

I shaved Willow and also turned him into a deer because I can do that
his actual proper design will probably be different because obviously in animation you have to make tough decisions based on what will be less torture-inducing

I also shaved Envy's head but I think that just looks better
also Catto draws feral for once? that's crazy bro

also I think the Spirit Realm Swirlie is canon now, it has appeared twice, which is more than can be said for actual characters :')

anyway, two animation memes, then I'll be back to Spektra

may do some elements as well, I actually did Arsenic's reference sheets for each state of matter before this because I was initially going to use him for my part, but then I decided to go with the good old immortal exes because Pork Soda is actually such an Envy song :flushed:

Project Type: MAP Part
MAP Host: @wxtermelxn
Coding: Me
Art: Me
Art program used: FireAlpaca (with maths help from Blender)
OCs: Envy and Willow, both designed and owned by me
Song: Pork Soda~Glass Animals