Equality v1.1.2

Published 2023-09-30
Every year my STEAM class has a Scratch segment, and we must build a game. For context, last year was Color Run, this year is Equality. I went for a one sprite challenge for this one because I felt like multiple would be too easy. So now I have a game where I can literally add infinite levels and it will not take any more scripts, just new level buttons and maybe a change to the grid code.

-=-=-=Project Stats
Blocks: 946
Sprites: 2 (the other one is only to combat lag)
Scripts: 21

@Frogster88 - code/assets
@Frogster77 - auto grid builder
@catblocks2000 - Red/Orange theme (based off of FlipWalk)
Vexento - background music: "Balanced"
yes, i had to for the irony
SFX by Scratch sounds library

-=-=-=Version History
v1.1.2 30-09-2023 Edited the message after finishing
all levels to say "More Soon(ish)!"
v1.1.1 30-09-2023 Fixed bug of level completion audio
playing regardless of audio settings. I also couldn't
be bothered to play every level more than necessary,
so added a command to change that
v1.1.0 30-09-2023 Changed levels to be locked by
default and require beating them in order. Changed
the "Next" button to say "Come Back Later!" upon
running out of levels to play. Fixed the bug of the
next button being darkened no matter what
v1.0.0 29-09-2023 Initial Release