ice cream maker

Published 2010-02-12
Drag and drop the ice cream onto the cone. Click the cone to change it. If you want sauce or sprinkles or anything like that, move you mouse to where you want them, and press the highlighted letter to pour/shake. Drag and drop the flake or cherry. Click the music symbol to turn the music on and off(doesnt work online :(). If you start dragging an ice cream, but don't want it, drag it to the recyclig and let go. To reset, click the recycling or the flag. Click the recipe book to look at some ice creams I have come up with. YES you can make them(that's why they're there). If you click the page on the right, it will turn right. Click the left page and it'll turn back a page. If you click the background while reading the book, it will shut. Yummm have fun >:D