Scratch’s Best Animator 1| R E S U L T S

Published 2023-05-23

The moment you've been waiting for has arrived...

SBA I Results!

Official Prize givers:
- @AlexStudiosinc
- @Axogramm
- @Prolotl
- @Axogramm_PG
- @FrostBite08-TEST
- @Scratch--TheCat
- @C4Firth

#All #Animations #Competitions #SBA #ScratchCON
Spoilers below.

Congrats to @Bottled_Axolotl, @Futurescratchboy, @EpicWolfBOI12, @Juniorty, @TealFang, and @ElBeardedKid for making it this far with SBA! SBA II will potentially be hosted by @ElBeardedKid.

(phew, I successfully hosted a competition for the first time :D )