Spell Maker (Latin Translator)

Published 2023-05-04
This is by FAR my most popular project. I`m really wondering why it wasn`t Quidditch v1.6:
--- Banning - PLEASE READ ---
If you acceed the maximum rude words limit, you will be banned on this project.

--- Credits ---
@TimMcCool for scratchattach on python.
Google translator for the googletrans module.
https://mixkit.co/ for the music.

--- For remixers ---
This python code handles the translation:

import scratchattach as scratch3
from googletrans import Translator

translator = Translator() # ready the translator

session = scratch3.login(username="(your account name)", password="(your password)") # login
conn = session.connect_cloud("(your project id)") # connect to cloud

client = scratch3.CloudRequests(conn) # ready the cloud

def makeSpell(spellEng, user): # called when client receives request
trans = translator.translate(spellEng, dest="la").text # translates to latin
print([spellEng, trans, user]) # prints the arguments in python console so I can see them
return trans # returns the translation

def on_ready(): # for me to know that it started
print("Request handler is running")

client.run() # starts request loop

NOTE: I am using an alt ( @MTT007py ) when I login.

--- Change log ---
05.06.2023 - New login system! (NOT replaced above)
30.05.2023 - Added Banned list.
30.05.2023 - 2000 views! Wow!
11.05.2023 - 1000 views! What???
11.05.2023 - Added Rude words list
10.05.2023 - 300 views? This is unbeilivable!
05.05.2023 - This is on the front page!
05.05.2023 - Shared, added to SDS

#all #harrypotter
#description(Does not work anymore.)