"Skye" | DTAE

Published 2022-08-01
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HI HIHI so i posted something xD

I've been working on some entries for this character for a while. and this is probaly the best one I've made. so the only one ima post :"D. I really love this design and I have plenty of ideas of what to use them for!!
I just wanna post this before the deadline. I'll try and add some more quick drawings if I have time.

ill add bio and the rest tommorow!!!!
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(its tommorow)
Name: Skye Cloudships
Age: 17 (Birthday: August 1st)
Gender + Sexuality: Cis Female (She/Her), Straight Ally.
Personality: Skye is very upbeat and a pretty confident person. She can be pretty shy around people she admires. She is also really clumsy and scrambles her words a lot of times when she's stressed. Skye is a people-pleaser, she hates to disapoint her family, friends and fans.

Little quirks/info about skye:
- She always has little hair ties wrapped around her fingers
- Bad liar
- Tries to change her personality to whoever she's talking to so they can like her.
- Bites her lips/inside of her cheeks when mad.
- When she lies she starts tugging on her sweater.
- Bandages arent for show, she actually hurts herself a lot on accident.
- She trusts people very easily

Some info on Skye's world before I start the backstory:
- The world she lives in is called "Althaea"
- The people of this world all have swirls/marks on their skin (Like Skye), and it decides their purpose and role in the world. (For example, Skye is a shapeshifter her role in the world is important) They can tell this by the color of the marks. The more colors a mark has the more important the role is.
- It is belived that Shapeshifters and Alchemists are the ones that will one day protect the planet from destruction. Cause prophecies and stuff.
- The world is filled with Althaeas' which is know to them as "The healing flower".

Okay now time for the backstory (im not gonna add a lot details because I don't wanna share to much of what happend ^^):
Skye was raised in the spotlight, her dads were actors so she was introduced to fame at a young age. Skye was considered beautiful by society and was doing modeling by the time she was 10. She loved to model and didn't mind the attention she got. She mostly modeled different clothing lines or modeled just for fun. When Skye was 16 she decided that she wanted to go to a different planet to study their fashion, she wanted to bring something new and different to the modeling industry . So she made a arragment with her dads, she would go to Planet "Orbs" for a year. They got her a small spaceship that would take Skye to "Planet Orbs" safely. As she deployed her planet was attacked. She was hit by another ship and spun off track. She woke up on Earth, she was in the middle of what seems to be no where. She wondered away from the ship to find some help. She saw a house in the distance and saw a person running her way. This person helped Skye and took her into their home. Skye made friends with Noah (The person who helped her) Noah agreed to helping Skye but she had to contribute to keeping the house up and running. She also agreed to something else.

The rest of the story is basically Noah and Skye helping each other, getting into fights ETC... so ima end the story there.

Some info on Noah:
Age: 18 (Birthday: June 26th)
Gender + Sexuality: A-gender (They/Them), Omni.
Personality: A bit stubborn, very opinionated. Will start a fight to prove their point. Trust problems. Takes a while to warm up to someone.
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What I'm planning on using Skye for.
So as you saw that whole story I'm planning on making a short story/comic with Skye as the main character. This comic would be mostly for fun and for my own personal enjoyment. I'll share it on scratch little by little.
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well that was a lot of typing, ima end it here so I can go make some more art (it'll end up being mostly colored sketches cause of the deadline but its something)

Hope you like the art and story :"D
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Music: Two Moons - BoywithUke
Code: @Shattered_Diamond
Art: @Gummygumdrop / Please dont use my art in any kind of way without my permission, this includes: Tracing,Recoloring,Stealing ETC. Do not take ownership of any of my artwork/
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