OC Database: Pink [V2] [Not Final!]

Published 2022-07-26
Pink by me, and all the designs are too!
All music used is credited below!

Normal / Shielded: Papyrus's Last Stand by Askfusans
Evo: Finale for the Bonely one by Frakture
Alpha: Pain and Bones by Avaranik
Annoyed Alpha: Autophobia [Cover by Taeskull]
Beta: Lost Chance by Avaranik
Angry Alpha: Strikin' the Demon Down [solunary cover]
Annoyed Beta: Blue Streak v4 by Pytha
Gamma: The Slaughter Continues [Cover by Oreo!]
Annoyed Gamma: Time is Now v2 by SegaSonic101
Delta: An Enigmatic Encounter [V2 Cover by Rufflez]
Zeta: Jacket Tearin' by Aluminium the Squeal
Epsilon 1: One More Repulse by Avaranik
Epsilon 2: Kyuusheisu by Harmony
Upsilon 1: Paper and Scissors V2 by SegaSonic101
Upsilon 2: Seethe. V2 by Shans
Iota: The Existences' Arrogant Restrike by Chara ECR
Pi: A Spine-Chilling Encounter V2 by Harmony
Ragemode: Insanity Strikes Yet Again by S. Bandicoot
Tau: An Practical Sanctions by Redrum230
Wrathful: Pathological Rampage by Kae Musics
Insane: Path of Insanity by Revex