Adventure !!! ( SDS Proposal)

Published 2021-08-18

Should we go to Arabian sea with our own Titanic created by scratch cat a great engineer or to the jungles of Brazil? Or we should go to extreme cold places or... Let's take a look at the globe for ''Adventure''! Is this a dream? No, it is the new Scratch Design Studio "Adventure" .So what are you waiting for? Join us! You are invited to create a project that shows adventure ,anything which is excited and creates fun is adventure!
Ideas to get started -
- Create a game that takes us to sea in our ship with difficulties.
- Create a animation which gives the feeling
of adventure.
- Create a project describing about your adventurous trip.
- Create a project showing jungle adventure and fun with animals.
- Create a treasure hunt game.
Remember, these are only suggestions! You are welcome to come up with your own ideas as well.

To have your project added to this studio, please post a comment with the link. You can find the link to your project by clicking the ‘Copy Link’ button on the project page. The button is located below the Notes and Credits section of your project.

Please submit a single project shared no earlier than one month before the start of this Design Studio if you don't have any projects shared after that date which fit the theme, feel free to make a new project and submit it!

All projects must meet the community guidelines and be appropriate for all ages.

It may take some time for your project to be added. Please be patient, we add projects oldest to newest, so we see all of them. No need to double post!

SDS (Scratch Design Studio) is a themed studio where Scratchers can submit projects that match the current theme, so long as it meets the requirements shown above.

Check out this project to see how new SDS Curators are selected:
Please do not simply ask to be a curator!

Do you have an idea for a future Design Studio? Visit the studio linked below, read the studio description, and then submit your idea in the form of a project here:

Have questions about the Scratch Design Studio? Check out the Scratch Wiki's article on it:

Check out this studio for updates on the SDS, new SDS curators, and more!