Adopt an Alpaca

Published 2015-04-15
Top loved~~ April 15th
Mentioned in SVU~April 18th

Note: Fullscreen may result in glitches or lag, but surprisingly, it does not affect the graphics :)
~~~READ THIS (or figure it out yourself)~~~
There are two orange boxes on the top left of the screen. The top one is your alpaca's name, and the second one is how many dollars you have.
Hover on the right side of the screen to click on the "Main Menu" button. When at the main menu, you can click any of the buttons.
You don't have to do them, they're only there so you don't feel obliged to play forever xD
My alpaca~
Basically, all you can do here is watch your alpaca walk back and forth, back and forth....... and back and forth.
Play games to earn coins to buy upgrades from the shop!
Current upgrades include: girl alpaca, boy alpaca, rainbowpaca, and unipaca.
You can also access your unlocked morphs here.
Earns 65 dollars
Follow the instructions to make your alpaca nice and clean! He will automatically reset to normal for the bathing part, but when you go back to see your alpaca later, he will still be upgraded after the game (did that make any sense?)
Tomato earns 40 dollars (cost 15), and carrot (cost 10)earns 30 dollars (I really am giving away money here!)
Farm and harvest food to feed to your alpaca! Click the dirt plot to plant food, when it's done, click to harvest. If it asks you again and you don't want to plant, then just type in something random.
Make your own kinds of alpacas by mixing two kinds together!!! Click on the platforms to choose which ones you want, and they'll mix together to make a strange breed of alpaca.
Personality quiz~
Sorry there isn't a picture for the camel... HOW DO YOU DRAW ONE??? xD The camel is HORRIBLE
Cute Shtuff~
Um, currently only one