Blank Canvas v1.5.0.1/full_release

Published 2021-09-22

If you find this helpful, feel free to use it in any demonstration. All scripts hand coded. If I accidentally used someone else's scripts, it was unintentional and I'm sorry, I have not looked at any other projects like this.

If you run into issues, report bugs in the code at

Dev Version is available for testing new features before full release:

Epilepsy Warning: DO NOT HOLD DOWN "W"

================Update Log================
- v1.5.0.1/full_release - made Hide HUD hide the pen preview. Also made a closing animation.
- v1.5.0/full_release - added major mouse
improvements, added a line tool (click, click, line),
added click-and-drag or click-drag-click drawing,
and some small technical changes in the code.
- v1.4.4.1/full_release - reorganized the Notes and
Credits tab. Renamed the "Weakness" label to
- v1.4.4/full_release - reduced broadcast count to help
with multi-project transfer. No noticeable difference
besides a reorganized code section. Also ran
optimizations to the rest of the project. Fixed bug
where switching to "Eraser" mode locked "Size"
and "Weakness" variables in their places (again).
- v1.4.3.1/full_release - optimized the reset keybinds
- v1.4.3/full_release - UI updated and added a hide
HUD feature.
- v1.4.2/full_release - added brush presets and ability
to reset all keybinds to default.
- v1.4.1/full_release - added "Grid" texture and fixed
scroll speed bug.
- v1.4.0/full_release - added custom keybinds support,
increased scroll speed, and fixed a few bugs.
- v1.3.1/full_release - bug fix. Fixed issue where when
in eraser, it wouldn't let you change size or
weakness. Also increased scroll speed (again).
- v1.3.0/full_release - added eraser support for all
backgrounds, improved "Small Grid" overlay,
increased scroll speed, and added direct color.
- v1.2.2/full_release - updated keybind "P" to fully
reset project to start. Feature mainly developer-
- v1.2.1/full_release - fixed a bug where drawing was
very choppy.
- v1.2.0.1/full_release - made the toolbar actually show
- v1.2.0/full_release - semi fix. Added proper eraser
textures for backgrounds "White", "Light Gray",
"Gray", and "Black".
- v1.1.1/full_release - small addition. Added the "Small
Grid" texture. Also fixed bug where scrolling was
insanely fast.
- v1.1.0/full_release - now possible to scroll
background color and swap between Eraser and
Pen mode.
- v1.0.0/full_release - reset some controls and
improved jitteriness significantly.
- v1.1.1.1/beta_release/snapshot - Removed features
in attempt to improve performance. Currently not
- v1.1.1/beta_release - bug fix. Fixed an issue where
color proceed to scroll out of sync with the variable
- v1.1.0/beta_release - performance update. Sped up
time to do everything significantly.
- v1.0.2 and v1.0.3/beta_release - tweaked features
and improved some mechanics. Released project
for testing.
- v1.0.1/beta_release - performance update. Changed
speed of scrolling from 10 units per second to 20
units per second.
- v1.0.0/beta_release - the first game. Included a
simple click-to-draw system and a finicky scrolling

#drawing #art #painting #pen