100% Pen Sunny Day

Published 2021-04-23
!!!!Red thing at top is button!!!!

I’LL TRY TO RESPOND TO COMMENTS IF I CAN, COMPLIMENTS ARE APPRECIATED BUT I WON’T REPLY TO SOME OF THEM (I scroll through most to see if anyone needs help with something etc)

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Update log:
1: Added night (suggested by @C3aca)
2: Added amber and purple light at morning/sunset (suggested by @EldraziUlamogEmrakul)
3:changed name (100% pen Sunny day —> 100% pen sky) suggested by @UnknownUnicorn10
4:made faster by popular demand and added a glow to sun&moon
5:I forgot who suggested (Oof) but added sky customisation (not done yet)
6:Changed name back to 100% Pen Sunny Day as tribute to starry night
7:Added stars suggested by @Mr_Duckster which made me have another go

@GamesoGames - 1st love and favourite!

@C3aca - 2nd love and fave!