Breakfast Bookstore

Published 2021-03-16
March 18 2021 ~ I was just gone for an hour, HOW DID THIS GET A TON OF VIEWS? :O
Update: THIS GOT FEATURED!?! AHHHHH, Thank you so much Scratch Team for featuring it!! (As well as @AwesomePeopleOutTher for proposing it!!) :DDD
Oh yeah, and I'm gonna make more books as well as adding books created by other Scratchers! (Yay)

Welcome to Breakfast Bookstore, a place to relax and read in Scratch City! Make yourself at home, relax, and read a book! Maybe even draw on a piece of paper or listen to the music and soft rain! And there's a day/night cycle, (Real time) yayyy! (Headphones recommended!)

Advertising in the comments is allowed (for this project), but I'd prefer you don't (If you do advertise, please at least don't spam a ton of advertisements ty-) C:

Partially inspired by Lofi Bookstore by @lovepit12345 and mostly inspired by random story and book projects on Scratch. Thank you to everybody who's contributed to this project!

Wanna add your own book? Just remix this with your book included and I might add it! Please make sure to fix your pages otherwise I might not add your book (Sorry, I'm pretty tired of having to fix a ton of pages ;-;) If there's a mistake in a book, please tell me so I can fix it! Oh yeah, this might be more of a library than a bookstore, oh well.

Studio For Book Entries:

There's other Scratchers inside of the book store, can you find them all?
(TIP: Some Scratchers have different schedules, so you'll probably have to come back in different days of the week or hours of the day!)
Scratchers include (Please Follow Them! ^^):
@AwesomeWafflez07 (Me)
@pokemaster1010 (Great At Making Games)
@LottToons (Great Animations And Art)
@ian_the_scratcher (More Than Half A Year On Scratch!)
@RedJoker_SA ('Fear The Librarian')
@Virtual_Studios (And Their Dog!)
@Torilei (Chillin' And Reading All Day)
@XtremeAbdiRed (S p e e d)
@yuanai ('Which book?')
@MiffedOut (Playing Games Using... Itself)
@Fish_in_a_Bowl (Fish in a bowl)
@s1940711 (Call her Delta)
@MrShibka (Make Sure To Give Him A Waffle)
@Mint-Kins (Mystery Revealed Next Volume)
@CodingPileOfDirt (More Than Just Dirt)
@Thorston5B (Well actually just Happy Cat)
And More In The Future! Comment a link to a remix (with you in it) if you'd like to be in the bookstore too! (Remember, you can't block the books if you're gonna be staying in one place. That would be a little inconvenient for readers, would it? Thanks! ^^)

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