100 Random Questions! (credit to Stormflight79)

Published 2021-03-05
54. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
A. yep

55. Why do you scratch?
A. for the nice and funny people AND ART

56. DoEs GrUbHuB gIvE yOu ThE gReAtEsT dEaLs?
A. wDyM

57. What is your favorite drink?
A. mochaaaaaa

58. How many followers do you have?
A. 325+- WHY

59. What is your favorite funny word?
A. dunno hehe

60. What time is it now?
A. 3:58

61. Are you a morning or a night person?
A. night

62. Favorite sports league?
A. dunno

63. Favorite Olympic sport?
A. eee dunno

64. What is your biggest regret that you are comfortable sharing?
A. going to kumon :p

65. Are you still here?
A. yep

66. What is your favorite restaurant?

67. Can you do magic?
A. ;-; i mean i can fart :P

68. Curtains or blinds?

69. (.-.)
A. hah ._.

70. Do you have any tattoos right now?
A. nupe

71. Are you the oldest sibling?
A. nupe

72. What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
A. unhealthy like choco powder with mocha ;-;

73. Do you use Wikipedia
A. sometimes

74. Do you know your time's tables up to 12?
A. ye

75. Do you think that aliens exist?
A. nah

76. What is your favorite YouTube channel?
A. denis then n flying then taemin then suju then shinee then monsta x

77. What is your favorite clothing brand?
A. dunno

78. What is your favorite emoji?
A. none

79. Apple or other?
A. banana

80. Fruit or veggies?
A. fruit

81. Have you ever traveled to another country?
A. ye

82. What is your favorite chip?
A. potato

83. Do you like junk food?
A. yep

84. Take a freebie :P
A. a

85. What do you make on scratch?
A. art

86. What is the highest number you have ever counted to?
A. dunoo :P

87. Does your best friend have an account? If so, what is their account?
A. nupe T-T

88. Who is your favorite scratch icon?
A. GUBO (whatever it is XD)

89. How long have you been scratching?
A. uh almost a year and 5 months-

90. Do you like to read or exercise more?
A. re a d

91. Do you spam ask for intros?

92. What is your favorite font?
A. courgette

93. Are you a cabinet?
A. i guess :P

94. What is your favorite social media platform?
A. dunno

95. Color or colour?
A. color

96. What is your favorite CLEAN joke?
A. idk

97. Are you glad you are almost done with this?
A. noe

98. What is your favorite day of the week?
A. sunday or friday

99. How often do you visit scratch?
A. not much coz school

100. Did you enjoy this? If you did, plz tell me :D
A. I def did