Happy Lunar New Year!

Published 2015-02-21
Happy Lunar New Year!

Here are three pieces of art - the third was added to the featured Chinese New Year - Year of the Goat/Sheep/Ram project I made. :)

1) I drew this dragon picture in Krita with my Wacom Intuos drawing tablet (started in early January and took a few days to finish). This was several days before I started working on the featured project.
Although I used several references, I know there are many mistakes in this, like dragons have scales, not fur, and they have four legs, not two, but this was my first attempt at drawing one. XD

2) Po and the Furious Five. I drew each of them in my art book (took a page each) and uploaded them to the computer, where I added transparency to all of them in Krita (w/ Wacom Intuos), then transferred them to GIMP, where I grouped them all together in one picture (6 layers), and added the dark red background with the yellow glow brush (whatever-it's-called XD). My favourite character in this scene would be Tigress; which one's yours? :3

3) I didn't only do a background in GIMP, but also one in Krita (I saved the file twice). This one was done with two of my favourite brushes - maybe you notice them! :D

When I uploaded the last two pictures to Scratch, they turned out a bit pixelly, so to see more detail, you can view them on my art blog here: http://5starartists.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/chinese-new-year-art.html

Thanks for viewing!

Don't worry; I'm still working on the animation I promised, "What I Guarantee You'll Never See..." Stay tuned! XD